Support for Starbucks Concealed Carry Letter

Starbuck Guns & Coffee
Support for Starbucks Concealed Carry Letter –

New Jersey –-( As you may have heard, it seems one of the endless number hoplophobic groups of anti-gun bigots is proposing to hijack Valentines Day to boycott Starbucks for not discriminating against law-abiding gun-owning customers and shoving them to the back of, if not entirely off, the bus.

Starbucks has resisted pressure from rabid anti-gun groups who are trying to force them into preventing customers from entering their premises with either a concealed or openly carried handgun.

Starbucks policy is to allow carry wherever local laws permit them. We support them in their effort to stand up to these anti-gun extortionists.

At the end of this email I have placed a link to a PDF document that you can download, print, sign and take to your favorite Starbucks to show your support.

It contains the following text which was written for us by one of our newest members – Kim Ball.

Support of Starbucks Concealed Carry Letter

About New Jersey Second Amendment Society:

New Jersey Second Amendment Society – Our mission is to promote the free exercise of Second Amendment rights within the community and Legislature of New Jersey, to educate the community regarding the enjoyable, safe, and responsible use of firearms, and to engender a sense of camaraderie and fellowship among the members and their families. Visit:

New Jersey Second Amendment Society