Suntrust Bank Closing Gun Shop Accounts, American Gun & Pawn Latest Victim ~ Video

By Matthew K. Burke

Suntrust Bank shocks American Gun & Pawn by closing accounts
Suntrust Bank shocks American Gun & Pawn by closing accounts
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-( Even after admission of wrong doing by FDIC, fall out from Operation Choke Point is still effecting law abiding gun shops. This time American Gun & Pawn in Brooksville, Florida.

While the Obama Regime can’t openly or legally take away Americans’ right to bear arms, through stealth tactics, using its willing accomplices in crony corporatism to put the squeeze on the supply chain to the Second Amendment, gun shops and gun manufacturers, or buying up all the ammo themselves, is their underhanded, “progressive” way to accomplish the same goal.

When American Gun & Pawn of Brooksville, Florida, received the following letter from SunTrust Bank, they were shocked and outraged:

As you can see, the letter from SunTrust Bank informs the gun shop that they will no longer be serving them (it’s a good thing they aren’t a pizzeria in Indiana!), and that they must quickly close all of their accounts, or the bullying bank will close them if the customer doesn’t by the deadline.

Now the bank isn’t honest enough to say in the letter the real reason that they’re using Nazi-like tactics, forcing the closure because their customer happens to be a gun shop, they use flowery and vague, politically-correct sophistry in one of the worst “Dear John” letters of all time.

American Gun & Pawn, after receiving the letter, wrote about it on their Facebook wall on March 27. They said that the bank told them they aren’t just picking on them, but are closing ALL accounts of ALL legal gun shops across the country:

“This is the craziest thing I have ever seen. This is how these people are coming after your guns. If they can do this to a legal business, what can they do to you?”

“When I called them, they said they are closing Gun stores accounts all over the country! We are a licensed and legal company! These big companies that infringe on our constitutional rights need to be held accountable!!”

If all banks follow their “Dear Leader” the way SunTrust Bank does, Obama won’t have to eliminate the Second Amendment, because there will be no place to buy guns and ammo. Oh wait that is the point.

Suntrust Bank Anti-Gun Letter to American Gun & Pawn
Suntrust Bank Anti-Gun Letter to American Gun & Pawn