State Democrats Launch 20% Firearm Tax Bill to Fund So-Called Gun Buyback Checkpoints

Gun Buy Backs
Gun Buy Backs
Wisconsin Gun Owners
Wisconsin Gun Owners

Waupaca, WI -( State Rep. Melissa Agard-Sargent (D-Madison) wants Australian-style gun control in Wisconsin and she’s introduced a bill to make that happen.

Sargent’s hair-brained scheme is to impose a 20 percent tax on gun sales in our state, with the money going back to gun control groups to operate Gun Buyback checkpoints throughout Wisconsin.

Is Rep. Sargent thinking clearly when she expects us to believe that a criminal is going to waltz into a law enforcement checkpoint and hand in guns they’re not supposed to possess … for a few dollars cash?

Get real.

The legislation, AB960, would create a system where guns are turned in and “required to be destroyed” … just like they do in totalitarian third world countries.

“The political will exhibited in Australia led to a palpable shift in public opinion,” writes Rep. Sargent proudly. “The people accepted the fact that safety had to take precedent over the ability to own an assault rifle.”

Wow, it’s amazing what these people will admit in writing. The scary thing about AB960 is how it will impose more taxes on gun dealers and gun owners.

The power to tax is the power to destroy.

Pouring salt in the wound, they want to tax gun owners and send the money directly back to “gun control organs” (themselves) to implement their anti-gun programs.


  1. Sign the online petition urging your Assembly reps to OPPOSE AB960, the dangerous new gun-tax-to-disarm scheme hatched by Wisconsin democrats.
  2. Contribute to this effort. A $15, $25, $50 or greater donation will enable us to mail every legislator and mobilize tens of thousands of gun owners across the state to oppose this bill.

They are making it sound like such “reasonable” legislation … like it’s all about “getting guns off the streets.”

Yeah, right. You and I know that is a farce.

So, will you help us fight AB960?


About Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc.:

Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. Donations made to Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. are not deductible for income tax purposes.

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