‘Speaking With Giants’ Book Sales to Benefit 9-Year-Old’s Fight with Brain Cancer

Book Sales to Benefit 9-Year-Old's Fight with Brain Cancer
Book Sales to Benefit 9-Year-Old’s Fight with Brain Cancer

ASHBURN VA – -(AmmoLand.com)- AmmoLand Author, John Crump, is releasing a book to raise money to help his nine-year-old niece, Bella, to fight brain cancer. Doctors have diagnosed Crump’s young niece with a rare form of aggressive childhood brain cancer (DIPG). The diagnoses have left the family devastated with a mountain of medical bills. With the blessing of AmmoLand News, Crump has put his interviews in book form along with some never read interviews and content.

Speaking With Giants: Interviews From AmmoLand

Some of the interviews included in the book are with TV stars, gun rights activists, and Senators. Each interview gives the readers an insight into the mind and thinking of the subject. Crump believes by learning about others through asking questions it helps you grow as a person as well as better understanding others.

“I love talking to people and getting their take on Second Amendment, other issues, and just life in general” Crump said. “It allows me to see their point of view on different topics. Sometimes it causes me to question my own opinions. Sometimes it strengthens it. We all are shaped by our experiences in life, and I think it is important that we are allowed to share those events with others around us. I hope that is what this book will do for the readers.”

Speaking With Giants: Interviews From AmmoLand
Speaking With Giants: Interviews From AmmoLand

The book covers interviews from the past three years of Crump’s writing career with AmmoLand News. The topics range from Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown starting Soldier of Fortune Magazine to Jason David Frank landing an acting gig as the Green Power Ranger to Tim Kennedy’s search for Hitler on TV. In addition to the previously published interviews, Crump also includes new interviews with people like Cheryl Todd of Gun Freedom Radio.

The book is currently available in paperback for sale on Amazon for $19.95 and preorder in eBook format for $9.95 (free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers). The eBook will launch on Thursday, July 16th, 2020, the same day the first copies of the paperbacks reach the doorstep of the buyers.

All proceeds will go to the family of his niece, Bella.

If you would like to donate more beyond the book sale price for this sweet young girl please visit the GoFund me page found here.

About The Author:

John Crump is a firearms investigative journalist for AmmoLand News. Federal plaintiffs have used his research in their firearms cases. News media around the country widely cited his research into New Jersey gun owners not turning in magazines holding more than ten rounds as a failure of gun control. John is also a Second Amendment advocate. He is also the Virginia State Director for Gun Owners of America.