South Dakota: Sage Grouse Hunting Season Proposed; First Time Since 2012

Sage Grouse
Greater Sage-Grouse
South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks

Pierre, SD -( The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed to re-open the sage grouse hunting season at their June meeting.

The season has been closed since 2012 due to a decreasing population. The agency sage grouse management plan states that the season could open again if the spring lek survey count is over 250 male sage grouse on all leks. This spring revealed a count of 278 male grouse on all leks.

With that, the proposed two-day season would run from Sept. 17-18 and would allow for 40 resident hunting permits with a limit of one sage grouse per hunter. If after the first drawing, permits are still available of the 40 limited, both residents and nonresidents will be able to apply. Any leftover permits will be available first come, first-served.

The Commission will finalize this proposal at their July 7-8, 2016, meeting at the RedRossa Convention Room in Pierre. Written comments can be sent to To be part of the official public record, comments must be received by 12 p.m. on July 7. Please include your full name along with the city and state of residence.

If you would like to comment in person, the public hearing will be held July 7, at 2 p.m. CDT at the RedRossa Convention Room in Pierre.

About The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (SDGFP):

The purpose of the Department of Game, Fish and Parks is to perpetuate, conserve, manage, protect, and enhance South Dakota’s wildlife resources, parks, and outdoor recreational opportunities for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of the people of this state and its visitors, and to give the highest priority to the welfare of this state’s wildlife and parks, and their environment, in planning and decisions.

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