Sometimes You Do Need a SWAT Team at 3:00 A.M.

Major Van Harl USAF Ret Winter 2014
Major Van Harl USAF Ret Winter 2014

U.S.A.-( Let us get the jack booted thug analogy out of the way right up front. Jack boots are boots, that ride up mid-calf or higher and are not laced up. Most modern military and police organizations don’t even use that type of footwear. There are a few ceremonial exceptions and of course the guys on the old TV show “Chips” wore that style of boot. Today’s street cops and tactical team members wear lace up military style boots.

You are not going to find any hob-nails in the bottom of an FBI SWAT team members footwear.

This nation has a security issue that is creating consternation directed at the good order and discipline of my country. It would appear there are certain citizens in the employment of this great nation that want to do our homeland harm. They feel that they have been so grievously wounded by the recent political election of the new President of the United States that it behooves them to violate the rules of their federal employment and the strict security requirements of the nation they voluntarily signed on to protect.

When you volunteer to join the US military you immediately (within minutes of being sworn in) start to be educated on your duties and responsibilities in defending this nation. A couple of those early responsibilities is you do what you are told and you do not get to leak sensitive US secrets to the press or your buddies on the internet.

Now our civilian employees who work for federal agencies also are educated about the security of sensitive and/or classified information, they just sometimes forget the do what your told part. Sadly sometimes they truly believe the world loves whistle-blowers, because the press loves whistle-blowers. Civilians get to go to prison just like military members do when they steal and disseminate our nation’s secrets.

An example has got to be made. In fact I do not think it is just one federal employee who is criminally giving away our national secrets. I think there are lots of the traitors out there. So I think a couple of very well orchestrated, three in the morning SWAT team assaults on low level federal employee homes is what is greatly needed.

First off make sure that the good guys (our federal law enforcement) have air tight evidence that Mr or Miss civil servant has in fact committed the treason and there is almost too much evidence to convict these traitors later in a court of law. Then get a very high ranking judge to authorize a search warrant. The more senior the judge the better the warrant looks during the trial.

Make sure you execute the search warrant in the middle of the night, and give the press a heads up 30 minutes prior to the “raid” going down. Have lots of marked squad cars, fire and ambulance vehicles and a marked vehicle that says “Child Protective Services” on the door, parked in front of the traitor’s suburban D.C. home.

Bring the alleged traitor out onto the front lawn, hopefully in his pajamas and have him sit in the grass cuffed and guarded by multiple SWAT team members carrying lots of “black rifles”. Make sure his face is not covered and keep telling the media to “move back” all the while leaving Mr or Miss traitor in line for great long range photo ops by the whistle blower loving press.


Find Mr. Traitor’s home computer and if there is any hint of unauthorized material on that device, next try and find out if the spouse of Mr or Miss Traitor has been using that same computer. If they have, put them in cuffs and have them sitting on the front lawn with their beloved significant-other. Now if there are any children in the home this is where the marked “Child Protective Services” vehicle comes in. Haul off the innocent children in the middle of the night. If you can get mom crying as her babies go “downtown” all the better for political optics.

I have to admit that as the Colonel was proofing this article she advised me I might be a little too hard on the children. I agreed with her, but the “child-card” is played by everyone. If you don’t want to have your kids see you perp-walked out in chains, then follow the law and think twice about betraying our nation.

Make sure you haul off as many personal items as you legally can under the instructions of the search warrant and do that in front of the media. Then transport the traitor and spouse for interrogation. You let the spouse of the traitor go after 48 hours and advise the press you decline to prosecute the apparently unsuspecting innocent better-half. Of course even after the innocent spouse gets home it will take many days and many home visits by Child Protective Services to ensure the domicile is safe and secure to return the children.

After all we have to keep the nation safe for our children, who are our most precious resource–even if that precious resource is the biological off spring of a traitor.

You have to make the traitor’s life miserable and then make it even more miserable so they start to talk and tell you who else is involved in these acts of treason, especially their seniors up the line. Follow the money, again especially if the money is actually political intrigue and not dollar bills.

What I am suggesting is not mean spirited or cruel. If your son or daughter was killed on active duty because of a classified leak of information, trust me you would not think “someone was being a bully on the playground.”

We have to give the press a pass when it comes to leaked classified information. They either do not know or more likely do not want to know how the information got released, they just want the story. The civilians and military members of the federal government know better. They have been taught and trained on what they can and cannot do with classified material. There is no gray area or guess work in the world of classified information. Leak it and you go to jail. Keep leaking it and maybe someone like Jack Reacher visits you in the middle of the night without the press and you never leak again.

In God we trust and in all others we verify. If one breaks that trust then just hope that Jack never comes up the hill looking for you, for Jill may never make it back down. Look up the real meaning of a “broken crown and come tumbling after.” Our nation cannot abide.

Major Van Harl USAF Ret.

About Major Van Harl USAF Ret.: Major Van E. Harl USAF Ret., a career Police Officer in the U.S. Air Force was born in Burlington, Iowa, USA, in 1955. He was the Deputy Chief of police at two Air Force Bases and the Commander of Law Enforcement Operations at another. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School. A retired Colorado Ranger and currently is an Auxiliary Police Officer with the Cudahy PD in Milwaukee County, WI. His efforts now are directed at church campus safely and security training. He believes “evil hates organization.”