Slide Fire Bump Fire Gun Stocks NOT an Automatic Weapon Says ATF

Slide Fire SSAR-15 SBS Bump Fire Stock
SlideFire Bump Fire Gun Stocks NOT an Automatic Weapon Says ATF
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

USA –  -( The main stream media and Democratic gun banners are in a fever over Slide Fire Bump Fire gun stocks found in the hotel of the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooter. Unlike all other AR 15 Gun Stocks the Slide Fire stock allows the shooter to ride the trigger simulating fast

Unlike all other AR 15 Gun Stocks the Slide Fire stock allows the shooter to ride the trigger simulating fast gun fire, but with very little aiming control.

As with anything gun related the media and politicians don’t know what they are talking about when they call the rifles with Slide Fire’s bump fire gun stocks “automatic weapons”.

With just a simple internet search they would have found that Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) , as early as 2010, has made the legal determination that these style of stocks are NOT automatic weapons. They are just gun parts and do not fall under ATF jurisdiction, nor require any special stamps or permits or related “permissions”.

From the ATF letter below.

“Accordingly we find that the “bump-stock” is a firearm part and is NOT regulated as a firearm under the Gun Control Act or National Firearms Act.”

Slide Fire ATF Determination Letter 2010 ~ NOT an Automatic Weapon