Rock to the fight–even if you’re naked (VIDEO)

Rod Ryan, president and CEO of Storm Mountain, recounts an event that occurred to him a few years back when he was a cop in Washington, D.C. when he fought off an intruder naked.

Ryan returned home after a late lock up, around 2 a.m., and got undressed. “I sleep naked. I’m not afraid to say that on camera.”Ryan said. “Put my gun on my nightstand,  got in bed and heard some leaves crinkling under the window right by my bed. I got up, got my gun and looked out and there was an eyeball looking in at me. So I went to the front door and I was going to go deal with this guy. Well, the door got kicked right as I got to it. I drove him, I muzzle struck him in the face and drove him back down the stairs.”

They ended up wrestling with Ryan yelling at him “Hands! Hands! Hands!” wanting to see the guys hands, but the guy kept rolling over and speaking Spanish. “Well, I don’t speak Spanish.” said Ryan, who ended up giving the guy a good beating.

Meanwhile, a deputy sheriff across the street at a McDonalds notices the commotion, calls for backup, and heads over. They intervene and arrest the bad guy and put Ryan, who is still completely buck naked, up against his own front door and and search him much to the chagrin of the officers who by now recognize him and have a laugh at his expense.

“But the moral of the story is if I would have waited, and got some kind of a kit on or whatever, that guy would have been in my house and maybe deeper in to where my daughter and my sons room were, and I would have had to fight this thing a little differently,” he said. “So I tell people, fight the way you are. Get your gun ad rock to that fight.”

Ryan spent more than 20 years combined, active and reserve, in the U.S. military as well as law enforcement. In 1996, he opened Storm Mountain near Keyser, West Virginia. It has grown into a world-renowned training facility for military, law enforcement, counter-terrorism personnel and civilians. It offers comprehensive firearms courses on a regular basis from a highly experienced staff. On-site lodging is available.

I recently took a firearms course there and learned more in three days than all year shooting and watching videos by myself. I asked Ryan if I could film a few of the exercises we practiced and he enthusiastically agreed.

This is the seventh of a series of helpful videos that will be featured on in the coming weeks. Let us know what you think.

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