Right-Wing Extremist ID Card – Get Yours Today

Right-Wing Extremist ID Card – Get Yours Today
Gun owners do what your told, form an orderly line, be quite and hand over your personal information….but this time its for a good cause.

Right-Wing Extremist ID Card
Right-Wing Extremist ID Card
Liberty Counsel
Liberty Counsel

Orlando, FL –-(AmmoLand.com)-If you believe in the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, traditional family values, supporting our veterans, the right to bear arms or a limited federal government, you might be considered a right-wing extremist by the Department of Homeland Security. DHS has removed the offending April 7, 2009 report from its web site after a public outcry, but has not repudiated its contents. We are protesting the fact that DHS is trying to associate patriotic Americans with individuals who choose to commit violent acts.

For more details on this issue, read the article following the card samples below. This article was first published in our May, 2009 newsletter, The Liberator.

If you hold traditional American values like the ones above, George Washington would call you a Patriot!

As conservative Barry Goldwater famously remarked: “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

If you want to show that you stand for liberty and justice, the Declaration of Independence and the original intent of the Constitution, you can order your own personalized Right-Wing Extremist ID Card for a donation of any amount.

You can become the proud owner of this patriotic card three ways:

(1) order from our online store for a donation of $20.

(2) order when you make a donation of any amount and remember to note “ID Card” in the Comment section; or

(3) call Liberty Counsel at 800-671-1776 to place your order. (free but we can use the donation)

Right-Wing Extremist ID Card Back
Right-Wing Extremist ID Card Back

Liberty Counsel is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family. Established in 1989, Liberty Counsel is a nationwide organization with offices in Florida, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., and hundreds of affiliate attorneys across the Nation.