Republicans Rolling Over on Farm ‘Amnesty’ Helping Advance Anti-Gun Agenda

Not for much longer. Look at what happened to once-Republican California and the rest of the country after Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli amnesty, and what increasing Democrat majorities are doing to guns as state demographics change. (Reagan Library/Facebook)
Not for much longer. Look at what happened to once-Republican California and the rest of the country after Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli amnesty, and what increasing Democrat majorities are doing to guns as state demographics change. (Reagan Library/Facebook)

U.S.A. – -( “Here’s the roll call for the 34 GOP #AmericaLast sellouts who joined Dems to pass the Big Ag Amnesty tonight,” columnist Michelle Malkin tweeted Thursday. With that, she shared the link to the final House vote results for the so-called “Farm Workforce Modernization Act, in which these Republicans joined with 226 Democrats to ensure passage of the bill.

Among those Republicans, two of the bill’s sponsors, Devin Nunes and Elise Stefanik, are “impeachment allies” of President Donald Trump, per, which also notes:

“One of the Republican sponsors, California Rep. Doug LaMalfa, said the bill was needed because Americans are too lazy.”

That the collectivists have created mass dependency where many don’t have to work in exchange for votes seems not to be open for discussion. That’s too bad because by closing that topic down through smears and intimidation, thoughtful examination of how “beneficiaries” of wealth transfers are actually victimized over generations will never happen. That’s part of the plan.

“H.R. 5038 would give amnesty—including work permits, green cards, and a path to citizenship—to illegal aliens who have been unlawfully employed in agriculture at least part-time during the past two years,” immigration watchdog Numbers USA warns. “The bill includes no provisions to reduce the flow of illegal immigration into the United States…”

History repeats itself. Many of us are old enough to remember “the Reagan amnesty of 2.7 million illegal immigrants [that] was paired with the promise of controlling the border.”  How’d that Republican concession work out? (Not that the “conservative” archetype was all he was cracked up to be on guns, either.)

“Republicans Who are Bad on Guns, Vote for Amnesty AGAIN!” Jose Nino of Big League Politics reports.” Congressmen Brian Fitzpatrick, Fred Upton, Chris Smith, Mario Diaz-Balart, and Will Hurd not only voted for this bill, but they also have a track record of supporting gun control [including] H.R. 8, the universal gun registration bill, which all five of them voted for back in February. This bill represented the largest expansion of gun control at the federal level since the Brady Act was passed in the early 1990s.”

The thing is, even politicians who are “good” on guns are ignoring the long-term undoing of all their votes in support of the right to keep and bear arms. Case in point is my own representative, Dave Joyce, who is NRA “A”-rated and endorsed. Give it a few years with unchecked immigration and the “pathway to citizenship” demographic shift, and his “good” votes now won’t matter — he will have helped ensure gun-grabbers enjoy an overwhelming future majority.

Shouldn’t his grade reflect accountability for that, along with an explanation of why?

I’ve posted a challenge on my War on Guns blog that has gone deliberately ignored and unanswered by national and state gun groups and their apologists for years. They know they can’t address it without exposing their deliberate indifference as against their members’ interests, and I say that here daring them to offer a responsive rebuttal.

Comprehensive documentation shows changing demographics to be the greatest threat to gun owner rights. That’s because foreign nationals turned U.S. voters consistently track at around 70% Democrat and anti-gun, and that doesn’t change after decades of residency. And here’s all you’ve gotta do to prove me wrong:

Audit all credible polls against real-world experience in places like California and then produce credible data – not opinion, not anecdotes, not isolated examples, but something that can be independently validated – demonstrating that “amnesty” and a “pathway to citizenship” for MILLIONS of foreign nationals in this country illegally (and legally, with CURRENT culturally suicidal policies) WILL NOT overwhelmingly favor Democrats and anti-gunners. Show your sources and methodologies for determining this WILL NOT result in supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will then be able to pass all kinds of anti-gun edicts. Show how this WILL NOT result in nominations and confirmations of judges to the Supreme and federal courts who will uphold those edicts and reverse gains made to date.

We’ve seen what happened in California, and how what was once “red” has now turned “blue.”

We’re now seeing the effects of that in Virginia, where the new Democrat majority is now basically telling gun owners to surrender and obey, and how gun owners are forming sanctuaries of defiance. How do you think Virginia turned “blue,” now putting everyone who would defy disarmament edicts in existential danger?

Don’t take my word for it. Take The New York Times’, which can scarcely contain its glee:

Unlike three decades ago, the residents are often from other places, like India and Korea. And when they vote, it is often for Democrats.

“Guns, that is the most pressing issue for me,” said Vijay Katkuri, 38, a software engineer from southern India, explaining why he voted for a Democratic challenger in Tuesday’s elections.

Democrats, with the self-interested help of “Never Trump Republicans,” are instead presenting Virginia as a referendum on a spreading repudiation of “Trumpism,” but that’s to redirect attention from the real reason. With that in mind, how many have seen this more threatening development brought to their attention by national and state “gun rights leadership”? Why not?

They are afraid to touch this rail, probably because they fear being smeared as haters. Guess what? They’ll still be called Nazis and racists and terrorists with blood on their hands. It’s what would-be totalitarians ginning up mobs do.

At this point, reality demands I acknowledge a smaller percentage of new Americans who appreciate freedom more than most “natives” — 30% do not kneejerk vote Democrat and a portion of those is as patriotic a group of citizens as we have been privileged to admit, such as a Cuban refugee and doctor I have longed looked up to as a mentor and premiere authority on debunking medical “agenda science.”

Of course, there are good immigrants. There are some great immigrants. There just aren’t enough of them overall to offset the tide of Third World huddled masses yearning to breathe free stuff. That’s because the vote-exploiting Democrats and labor-exploiting Republicans have not made the ability to assimilate to a Bill of Rights culture a priority. They haven’t even made it a consideration in most cases. And if you tried to make Constitutionally-compatible ideology a precondition to admittance, an activist federal judge would quickly strike it down even though any government action that does not “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” would rightfully and clearly be condemned by the Founders as illegitimate.

One contributor here who disagrees with me (by conveniently not addressing my challenge and the numbers I present) thinks we instead need a “foreign language outreach” program. Wonderful. That should have started decades ago, but by all means, go for it. Left unsaid is how much will it cost, who is going to fund it and what metrics can measure if it will be effective and done in time to avert an unchallengeable Democrat majority nationwide. And don’t be surprised to find the message drowned out by a mainstream media that ignores it and promulgates a narrative of its own, a social media cabal that decides such sentiments violate “community standards,” a hostile educational establishment, and political factions that depend on “diversity” to get, maintain and increase their power.

I’ll tell you right now that this is an unpopular topic to bring up in the gun community. You won’t find any major “gun groups” willing to talk about it except to disparage it as not being relevant to the “single issue.” Bull. The continued legislative and judicial safeguarding and advancement of the Second Amendment IS the single issue, and this threatens it like nothing else. Everything else is just dancing around the edges while allowing things to deteriorate to a point of no return.

How will you know who is right?

That’s easy. If you say I’m wrong, you should be able to counter my challenge unequivocally, point-for-point and without changing the subject. You should also be able to explain why you’re essentially siding with Hillary Clinton, and with the Grover Norquist/Mike Bloomberg alliance.

About David Codrea:David Codrea
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.