President Signs Switchblade Act Amendment into Law

President Signs Switchblade Act Amendment into Law

Washington, DC –-( The President has signed into law the FY2010 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill that includes a new exception to the Federal Switchblade Act protecting our assisted and one-hand opening pocket knives. You’ll find the text of the amendment and an explanation of how this solves the problem below.

Knife Rights is very pleased to acknowledge the efforts of the many dedicated knife owners and organizations who joined together to oppose U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s attempt to redefine what is a switchblade. It is worth noting that this represented the first ever collective campaign at a national level to enhance the rights of knife owners.

We not only responded effectively to the surprise attack on our knife rights, turning aside a blow that would have done a great disservice to all knife owners and could have crippled our domestic knife industry, we were able to turn it into a clear victory for all citizens of our great country. This change to the Federal Switchblade Act is the first affirmative Federal knife law ever! We hope it portends great things for the sharper future™ we are working towards at Knife Rights..

Knife Rights would especially like to thank our coalition partners who worked together to get us to this point: National Rifle Association, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation and the knife industry’s American Knife and Tool Institute. I’d also like to specially acknowledge Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, whose major financial contribution helped to support our efforts.

I cannot possibly list all the many others, individuals and businesses alike, who donated money to the fight, in amounts from $10 to $5000, but I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of myself and knife owners everywhere. We could not have done it without your support.

The cost of this victory was substantial; mind boggling really. It’s really not a complete victory until we are done paying the bills. Please help us retire our debt for this fight with a generous contribution:

To help you celebrate and commemorate this incredible victory, please purchase one of our collectible “WE STOPPED Customs Pocket Knife Grab” coffee mugs, t-shirts or sweatshirts, available for a limited time only: Proceeds will help pay off the incredibly high cost of this victory.

The Amendment as Passed

H. R. 2892, page 42

SEC. 562. Section 4 of the Act entitled ”An Act to prohibit
the introduction, or manufacture for introduction, into interstate
commerce of switchblade knives, and for other purposes” (commonly
known as the Federal Switchblade Act) (15 U.S.C. 1244) is
(1) by striking ”or” at the end of paragraph (3);
(2) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (4)
and inserting ”; or” and
(3) by adding at the end the following:
”(5) a knife that contains a spring, detent, or other mechanism
designed to create a bias toward closure of the blade
and that requires exertion applied to the blade by hand, wrist,
or arm to overcome the bias toward closure to assist in opening
the knife.”.

An explanation of how this new exception will protect assisted and one-hand opening knives can be found here:

Doug Ritter
Chairman / CEO
Knife Rights, Inc.
Knife Rights Foundation, Inc.

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