Prepare for La Niña with ThermaCELL Heated Products

Experts Agree On Colder Upcoming Winter Season Be Prepared with ThermaCELL Heated Products

ThermaCELL Heated Products
ThermaCELL Heated Products
ThermaCELL Heated Products
ThermaCELL Heated Products

Burlington, MA -( According to the Climate Prediction Center, the next weather pattern, called La Niña, will bring a much colder winter our way this year compared to El Niño, which brought milder weather to the United States and Canada last winter.

The La Niña system will most likely form as early as late summer and stick around months into 2017.* This means that the behavior of deer, elk, waterfowl and other animals will be easier to predict, which is great news for hunters.

Unfortunately this means that waiting in the blind or stand could be nearly unbearable, but with ThermaCELL’s Heated Products cold weather doesn’t have to be the deciding factor between you and you and a trophy buck.

Schawbel Technologies LLC offers the ideal solution for long-lasting warmth during virtually any outdoor activity – ThermaCELL Heated Insoles and ThermaCELL Heat Packs. These products are lightweight, wireless, rechargeable, and feature an adjustable temperature setting for hours of comfort. ThermaCELL Heated Products will also help keep you warm indoors, allowing you to turn down your home thermostat a few degrees.


“Weather predictions for the upcoming winter season show colder weather patterns, and ThermaCELL Heated Products can be used in a variety of ways to keep your body warm. They provide many years of use and are a more consistent and reliable source of heat compared to unpredictable, disposable warmers. Plus, they only cost pennies per use,” said founder and CEO, Bill Schawbel. “Schawbel Technologies has even introduced ThermaCELL Heated Insoles and Heat Packs with Bluetooth operation, truly taking our technology to the next level.”

More About La Niña

Typical La Niña winters include a polar jet stream from Northwest Canada that travels east, through the Midwest to the East Coast, bringing lower temperatures than experienced last winter. Weather pattern experts from the National Weather Service, World Meteorological Organization and NOAA are in agreement that La Niña will likely bring colder temperatures this fall and winter. **


About Schawbel Technologies LLC:

ThermaCELL Heat Packs and Heated Insoles are products of Schawbel Technologies LLC, a company primarily focused on providing consumer comfort through innovative, patented products. Schawbel Technologies is a spin-off from The Schawbel Corporation, which was founded in 1981 by William Schawbel through the acquisition of two divisions from the Gillette Company. All products undergo rigorous third-party testing and meet or exceed battery, materials, and safety certifications and standards worldwide.

For more information about Schawbel products, visit or call 1-877-687-3741 or 866-651-7579.