Plan for the Gun Rights Policy Conference

By Rob Morse 

Gun Rights Policy Conference
Gun Rights Policy Conference
Slow Facts
Slow Facts

Southern California –-( I’m an average guy who went to an extraordinary event at the Gun Rights Policy Conference.

A simple idea brought us from across the country.  We want our neighbors to arrive home safely every night.

That is why we work for the right of self-defense and firearm ownership every day.  There are ways to get involved in that effort even if you’re an ordinary guy or gal.

Looking back over several years, an ordinary guy like me had a conversion experience climbing the ladder of commitment.  It is a well worn path that many have people have climbed before.  In hindsight, I see each conference was a stepping stone.

  • Supporters become donors. I met the people I’d only read about or heard on the radio.  I saw what the national advocacy groups do for our right of armed self-defense.  Now I appreciate all they do and give them money on a regular basis.
  • Donors become activists.  Any of us can take a friend shooting.  Can you work the membership table at the next gunshow?
  • Activists become advocates. I met writers and bloggers at the conference.  Now I try to write.  Anyone with passion can start a blog.
  • Activists become leaders.  I talked with the podcasters and public speakers at the conference.  Now I podcast and speak.  In some tiny way, an ordinary guy like me helps form public opinion.

All that happened because of the people I met at the Gun Rights Policy Conference.  The same thing could happen to you.  Every time you go to the Gun Rights Policy Conference you get a stack of books.  Even at your first conference, you also get something much more important.  The other participants are a major part of your education!  Each of them is trying to protect the right of self-defense in their home town.  Even at your first conference, you leave with a stack of business cards and cell phone numbers that are invaluable.  The people I met at the conference made me think I could do something worthwhile.  I thought it was important to try and follow their example.

You might find your passion and your mission.  You’ll never know until you go.  Whether you start tomorrow or next year, you won’t be alone.  Together, we are an army of Davids.  The 2015 conference is in Phoenix, Arizona.  I hope to see you there.


About Rob Morse: By day, Rob Morse works as a mild mannered engineer for a Southern California defense contractor. By night he writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Gun Rights Magazine, Clash Daily and on his SlowFacts blog.   He is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.