PETA claims coup on Trump’s sons by giving them condoms (VIDEOS)

The anti-hunting group ran an epically overdeveloped long con by creating a brand of condoms marketed at current sportsmen, to prevent future sportsmen.

OK, now bear with us and follow along because this was set up like a great Hollywood heist film– only the payoff almost laughably small.

So, a few months back PETA dropped what looks like some serious coin (no doubt chipped in by Tinsel Town B-listers on an all-vegan diet) to secretly developing, marketing and distributing a brand of condoms especially for hunters called “Huntsman” (“Our Aim is Safety!”) complete with a website, what looks like a whole warehouse full of bargain prophylactics, and an almost comically bad advertising video.

Want to see it? Sure thing, here it is.

Then PETA, those hucksters, started handing out their complementary condos like a county health department across the street from a high school prom. They even mailed them to celebrity hunters to include Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump (care of The Trump Organization’s NYC address).

While its not clear if the young Trumps even received the gratis jimmy caps, the brand did get a few mentions on social media from some of the other sportsmen they were sent to.

Then PETA came out and dropped the shocker that the purpose of the whole thing was to encourage hunters to stop reproducing, thus breaking the chain of outdoor wildlife activities being passed from tribal elders on down to the younglings via latex genocide.

“Hardly any kids hunt these days,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “And if PETA’s condoms have prevented even one more wretched hunter from being born, we have succeeded in saving the lives of deer, birds, and other living beings.”

She seriously said “wretched hunter.” That’s kinda harsh no matter who you are.

Anyway, the reveal video:

Of course, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sponsors a National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation every five years and the most current one found that 2,026,000 hunters aged 6 to 15 years old took to the woods in 2010, while in 1980 just 1,720,000 did in the same age group– which would kind of belay PETA’s whole argument that kids just don’t hunt these days.

But hey, surely PETA knows more about hunters and animals than the USF&WS, yeah?

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