Oregon: the Lock-Up Self-Defense Ballot Measure Moves Forward


Locked Chained Gun Firearms Ban
Oregon: the Lock-Up Self-Defense Ballot Measure Moves Forward

Oregon – -(AmmoLand.com)- A ballot measure that will require you to keep your self defense firearms locked up and unavailable is moving forward in Oregon.

Ballot Measure 40 has collected enough signatures to get a ballot title from the Attorney General.

In Oregon, the Attorney General is a vocal anti-gun radical. You can rest assured she will do all she can to write the most sympathetic ballot title possible. Of course, we will be doing all we can to prevent that.

The simple truth is, mandatory gun lock-up laws are unconstitutional. This is not in doubt. The US Supreme Court made that clear in the Heller decision.

So now we have no choice but to gear up to fight them in court. We simply must not allow them to write a ballot title that misleads Oregon voters. They need to know that under the proposed ballot measure, victims of theft in Oregon will face harsher penalties than gun thieves will. It’s insane.

Please consider contributing as much as you can to our legal fund to stand in the way of this madness. If we don’t succeed all Oregonian gun owners will face severe legal jeopardy simply for having the means to defend themselves and their loved ones.

You can make a tax deductible donation here.

Please choose “Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation” from the “Donation Category” drop down menu to ensure that your donation qualifies for a tax deduction. Thank you for your commitment to liberty.

Oregon Firearms FederationAbout Oregon Firearms Federation:

The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit: www.oregonfirearms.org