Oregon man trolls public hearing on firearms ordinances (VIDEO)

An Oregon man used satire to get his point across during a public hearing on firearms ordinances Monday. The Ashland resident spoke out against a proposed ordinance to ban carrying loaded guns in public, claiming he was a representative for the Really Safe Ashland organization.

Portland has already passed a law that prohibits loaded guns in public places and the city of Ashland is looking to follow in its footsteps.

According to the video’s description, the Councilor that proposed the new law didn’t use statistics to back up her argument, but brought up “Sandy Hook” and the need to “protect the children.”

“I know there are statistics out there, but I didn’t look them up,” she said.

The resident said Really Safe Ashland wants to “capitalize on the desire to act in a timely manner, or even a knee-jerk, expedited manner, to introduce a compressive public safety ordinance that, while perhaps not actually addressing any genuine or legitimate issues, does serve to promote a divisive and partisan agenda.”

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