Open Letter To All Rock Island Auction Company Supporters

Rock Island Auction Freedom Challenge
Rock Island Auction Freedom Challenge
Rock Island Auction Company
Rock Island Auction Company

USA – -( first want to offer my congratulations to President-elect Donald J Trump!

I would also like to express my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to Chris Cox the director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action for NRA-ILA was acknowledged by several of the mainstream media as one of the main supporters of Donald Trump in his election bid for President of the United States.

NRA-ILA was instrumental in achieving what has not been achieved since the 1920s and that is Republican control of all branches of government! NRA-ILA is the most effective lobbying group in the nation, supporting its members and the American people.


I also want to offer my congratulations to all of the Rock Island Auction Company supporters who have listened to me preach for the last several years about the good work that NRA-ILA has accomplished and will accomplish for us in the future. Many of you have stepped up over the years by giving donations in which Rock Island doubled or tripled to help the NRA Institute for Legislative Action carry out its mission of protecting our Second Amendment and American freedom.

I especially want to thank those that have joined the Rock Island Auction Freedom Challenge. Rock Island offered the challenge to the entire nation just as it offers at each one of its auctions that it would double the donations to NRA-ILA and this time up to $1 million.

I cannot say thank you enough to those who helped our matching donations and Rock Island Auction $1 million donation reached over $2.2 million. You can be proud of yourself as you believed it was possible and the belief you expressed with your pocketbook was rewarded.

Our fight is never over and I ask you to remain vigilant and continue to support the NRA Institute for Legislative Action through donations and most importantly your vote. At the auctions I asked everyone to look at their neighbor and ask themselves; are you waiting for that person sitting next to you to fight for your Second Amendment rights and freedom?

The protection of our Second Amendment and American freedom is everyone’s fight and all of us have just seen what can be accomplished when we stand up for that freedom.

Our new President, our Senators and our Congressmen are going to need our help in the future to continue to protect our Second Amendment and our freedoms. I urge all gun owners to continue to support the NRA-ILA and do your part. I know we haven’t had time to savor a victory however this is the time to think about what we avoided and be thankful. If every gun owner in America donated one dollar to the NRA-ILA for every firearm they owned it would be additional insurance to help maintain our Second Amendment rights and the freedoms given to us by our Constitution.

Thank you again to all of those who helped Rock Island support the NRA Institute for Legislative Action. Thank you to the NRA, to Chris Cox and the NRA Institute for Legislative Action. God bless the United States of America.

Patrick F Hogan and Kevin P Hogan

CEO and President of Rock Island Auction Company