Oklahoma Pro-Gun Bills Progress

Oklahoma Legislature Forbids "Red Flag" Laws, or Enforcement of Same, iStock-884218046
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We have now hit halftime in the session, and numerous pro-gun bills are advancing in the legislature. Thanks to our pro-gun majority, most of the anti-gun bills have failed in committee.  Thank you to NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters for electing pro-gun lawmakers to protect the freedoms of all law-abiding citizens throughout Oklahoma. Please see below for a quick update on a few of the important pro-gun bills moving this session:

House Bill 1404Senate Bill 978 removes the prohibition on the transport of firearms in a vessel or boat and clarifies that it is only unlawful to discharge a firearm, except in cases of self-defense and hunting. HB 1404 passed the House 78-16 and has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee. SB 978 passed the Senate 40-7 and has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2051 enhances the Private Property Protection Act and recognizes the right to self-defense while on private property. HB 2051 passed the House 74-19 and has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee.

House Bill 2139 authorizes local school boards to permit SDA licensees to carry on school property. HB 2139 passed the House 79-20 and has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee.

House Bill 2155 allows the right to appeal in cases of self-defense and clarifies the immunity provision for persons asserting claims of self-defense. HB 2155 passed the House 79-15 and has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2644 recognizes the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding adults who are transporting, carrying, or storing their firearms or ammunition in a locked vehicle. HB 2644 passed the House 79-20 and has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee.

House Bill 2645 clarifies the carry exemption that authorizes the possession of firearms on certain property. HB 2645 recognizes the right to self-defense while law-abiding adults are in a municipal park, zoo, street, plaza, sidewalk, and alley. HB 2645 passed the House 78-20 and has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee.

House Bill 2737 removes larger than 45-caliber as prohibited carry for SDA license. HB 2737 passed the House 73-19 and has been referred to the Senate Rules Committee.

House Bill 2646 clarifies the circumstances that require a person to display a handgun license, driver license, state identification card or valid military identification card on demand of law enforcement when in possession of a firearm and prevents the arrest of a person for failing to display the license or identification card. HB 2646 passed the House 76-16 and has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee.

House Bill 2647 prohibits a person from bringing a civil action against a firearm, firearm accessory, ammunition manufacturer, distributor, dealer, importer, exporter, trade association, or the owners, shareholders, directors, and employees of any such entity, for certain actions. HB 2647 prevents anti-gun extremists from trying to bankrupt the firearms industry with frivolous lawsuits. HB 2647 passed the House 73-20 and has been referred to the Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 721 clarifies the SDA course requirements and removes language requiring firearms instructors to train with a specific type of firearm in order to qualify as an instructor for that firearm. The measure also removes obsolete language. SB 721 passed the Senate 42-4 and has been referred to the House Public Safety Committee.

Senate Joint Resolution 9 adds the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to the Oklahoma constitution. SJR 9 has been referred to the Senate Rules Committee.

Please contact your lawmakers today and urge them to support these pro-gun measures. Your NRA is closely monitoring the legislation and actively opposing the anti-gun bills. Stay tuned to your inbox and www.nraila.org for updates.

About NRA-ILA:

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess, and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org

National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)