Oath Keepers, Duty calls. Announcing the Launch of Operation Defend America

Oath Keepers standing guard at Shelley Luther’s Dallas salon after arson threats. June 2020
Oath Keepers standing guard at Shelley Luther’s Dallas salon after arson threats. June 2020

USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- We all must stand up and defend America from a violent leftist insurrection that has gone far beyond peaceful assembly and protest and is now engaged in not just looting, but arson, assault, attempted murder, and murder (such as the murder of the Federal Officer in Oakland, CA). This is a coordinated, intentional, national, and international terrorism and insurrection campaign, intent on destabilizing our nation and throwing it into chaos to further their radical Marxist goals.

The insurrectionists are hijacking protests against police abuse of power and have made it clear they intend on spreading the rioting, looting, assault, and arson into suburbs and small towns, BY DESIGN.

Remember, the Founders’ declared that We the People – all of us – are the militia, and are meant to be the “security of a free state.” We the People have both a right and a DUTY to defend our communities. It’s not just the job of the National Guard (part of the militia). It’s our job as well, as the rest of the militia. Time to step up and do it.

Join our new free “Defend America” Public chat system to link up nationwide, down to the town and neighborhood-level (see below). Form up, buddy-teams, fire-teams, squads, neighborhood watches, and town watches (see below)

Join The “Defend America” Free Public Chats To Link Up And Help Each Other!

Defend America Free Public Chat
Defend America Free Public Chat

To help you organize for mutual defense nationwide, down to your local community, Oath Keepers has set up a free, “Defend America” Public chat system on our Oath Keepers National Discord server. There is a national “Defend America” public chat where you can talk to patriots nationwide, and “Defend America” public chats for each state. This is free to all Americans. You do NOT have to be a member of Oath Keepers to participate. This is our contribution to the cause.

On this free “Defend America” public chat system, local residents can link up, team leaders can find volunteers, and volunteers can find teams. Business owners, residents, local LEOs, Fire-Fighters, EMS, pubic officials, and concerned citizens who need help can ask for it here.

To join this FREE channel open to the public, go here:

Click on the link and follow the instructions on setting up your free account. Once your account setup is complete you will be in the Oath Keepers National Server. You will have automatic access to all of the free “Defend America” public chats. Please enter your state “Defend America” chat and introduce yourself.

  1. NOTE: Unless you are a member of Oath Keepers you will not have access to Oath Keepers members-only chats or training opportunities. If you want that access, please join Oath Keepers here: www.oathkeepers.org/membership. You do NOT have to be prior service to join. All are welcome because we are all in this together. If you are not prior service, it is our duty to train you. But you do not need to join Oath Keepers to participate in the Defend America chat system.
  2. Once you are in the “Defend America” public chats, a moderator will contact you.

Our experienced military, police, Fire, and EMS veterans within Oath Keepers will be there in the free “Defend America” chats to advise you and to support your defense of your local businesses, homes, towns, and counties. Our members will also be happy to come to your town and assist you in training up your neighborhood watches and town watches (we are likewise available to assist local sheriff departments in standing up a sheriff posse). Our members will also, of course, respond with boots on the ground direct support if they can (depending on our availability, as we are understandably stretched thin with ongoing security operations nationwide).

We have limited manpower, but we are here to advise you (that’s a key purpose of this chat system), based on our extensive operational experience in the U.S. which includes our successful rooftop defense of businesses and apartments in Ferguson, MO, where we prevented arsonists from burning the buildings to the ground during the riots in 2014; five hurricane relief operations, where we delivered food and water and defended against looters, as well as providing security escorts to relief caravans and field teams of doctors and nurses; countless successful security operations against Antifa violence, including two operations in Downtown Berkeley; recent operations protecting Trump support from violent assault after Trump rallies nationwide; and our current ongoing operations to defend businesses all over America (there are Oath Keepers on rooftops right now, defending against arsonists).

Go to our website for more directions and information.

Oath Keepers

About Oath Keepers:

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like-minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us, God. Our Oath is to the Constitution.

For more information, visit www.oathkeepers.org.

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