New York 2nd Amendment Coalition (NY2A) ~ Weekly News Roundup

New York
New York
New York 2nd Amendment Coalition
New York 2nd Amendment Coalition

New York -( Good day Patriots and Friends,

There is an ancient saying that “knowing is HALF the battle,” and as you know, NY2A is on the front lines in the fight to preserve our natural, inherent right to keep and bear arms in defense of tyranny, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of our United States Constitution.

NY2A was instrumental in picking out key senatorial battlegrounds in the 2014 election season, which resulted in THREE key seats seized from gun-grabbers.

Part of our proven strategy is getting important information to our supporters. This includes legislative updates at the state and local level, as well as news reports from all facets of this critical civil rights debate.

We know what you’re thinking – so what? Every organization has a “news” section on their website. What makes us so different? Let us tell you!

First, we bring the news right to your email every week. This gives you the chance to catch up on stories you may have overlooked or not have had time read.

Second, though we are providing the links for you to read the articles yourself, we are giving concise and brief summaries of the news so if you’re in a rush, you can read the summaries and familiarize yourself with the top stories that affect you and your civil liberties in the gun rights arena in New York.

And finally, we will NOT flood you with every story of an armed citizen stopping a criminal or other minor story. We know and you know such occurrences happen every single day. Hence, our goal is to not to overwhelm you with what you already know, but rather to deliver to you, only the most important stories and those that we believe will affect us all in this constant battle to preserve our civil liberties.

In the News:

(1) We’ll start with the news that is ROCKING the New York State Second Amendment debate. Following the untimely death of long-time Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia who was a pillar for constitutional freedoms for all Americans, causing a 4-4 split in the Supreme Court, NYSRPA has DROPPED their lawsuit against the NY-SAFE Act! No, we are not making this up! Sadly, after months of battles and thousands of dollars in donations, and the support of the attorney generals of TWENTY-TWO STATES, on Feb. 25, the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association has declared the case hopeless, stating “… at present, there is no chance of reversing the Second Circuit’s decision upholding New York’s gun ban …” (1). Obviously, this has far-reaching effects and please visit NY2A’s website or Facebook for more news on this unforeseen turn of events. Here is a good video about the situation.

(2) We would put this next piece into the comedy category if the NYC Democrats didn’t already have a track record for proposing such nonsensical gun control laws. On Feb. 23, Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon’s Ammo Restriction Bill is the latest such bill in the Assembly. The bill proposes a limit on how much ammunition you can buy if such ammo can be used for the dreaded “assault rifles” they fear. Apparently Simon doesn’t know 5.56 mm is a very popular round for hunting. Our friends at SCOPE had this to say about new legislation.

Across the Nation:

(3) A victory in the south. South Carolina’s House passed a Second Amendment Preservation Act that directs state officials NOT to enforce new federal gun regulations. The bill passed during a vote that fell down strict party lines.

(4) The Federal Government continues to crack down on those that stood up to them during the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff, with more arrests being made across the country. This is indeed disturbing and gives insight to how the government intends to not allow shows of force by armed citizens in defiance of the government.

(5) In finance, Smith & Wesson stock continues to rise thanks to the anti-gun agenda that has driven gun sales to RECORD heights. So if you’re looking to invest, be sure to buy the stock BEFORE you buy that new gun.

Upcoming Events:

2nd Annual Bring Back America Festival hosted by the Southern Tier Chapter of SCOPE.
Date: Saturday July 13, 2016
Time: 1 p.m.5 p.m.
Location: East Park, Norwich, NY 13815


With 2016 and elections coming soon, we are preparing a new set of political fights to take more seats away from the gun-grabbers. In 2014, our NY2A Victory Fund was one of the most instrumental tools used in removing three NYS Senators who had voted/or supported the SAFE Act. The objectives have changed. The end goal has NOT! We WILL strive to remove every legislator who votes to strip us of our Second Amendment Rights.

We cannot do this without you. So please consider donating to NY2A Victory Fund. Unlike other organizations, NY2A makes absolutely certain every CENT is used strategically and not wasted. We proved that in 2014, and with your help, we can prove it again this election year. As a grassroots organization, we need the support of people like you. Together we can bring Liberty back to New York State.

Johnny T Rockenstire

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About New York 2nd Amendment Coalition:

The NY2A Grassroots Coalition is exactly what our name implies: we are a coalition of grassroots organizations committed to defeating the NY SAFE Act and the legislators who voted for it! We are a mechanism for grassroots groups across New York to share ideas and coordinate efforts because we are more effective if we are working together. Below is a list of groups who are part of our coalition.

Is your group actively working to support the 2nd Amendment and fight back against the NY SAFE Act? Let us know if your group wants to join NY2A!  And be sure to personally join in this fight by submitting your contact information on the home page!