New Jersey WILD Outdoor Expo Held Sept. 10-11

New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
N.J. Division of Fish and Wildlife

Jackson Township, NJ-( You are invited to participate in DEP’s seventh annual New Jersey WILD Outdoor Expo to be held the weekend of September 10 and 11, 2016 at the Colliers Mills Wildlife Management Area in Jackson Township (Ocean County).

This free event allows visitors to learn about, explore, experience and enjoy New Jersey’s natural world. Event activities and exhibits are focused on the environment, fish and wildlife conservation, and related outdoor recreation opportunities available within the state’s forests, parks and natural areas. Over 7,000 visitors participate in the Expo each year.

Volunteers are being sought to help with fishing, archery, shotgun and kayaking instruction, craft activities and the distribution of agendas and participant surveys to Expo attendees. If you are interested in volunteering, please email your name, date(s) you can volunteer, and the activities you would like to assist with to Matthew Hencheck at

If you have any questions you can call Matthew at (609) 259-6961. Because this event occurs on a weekend, you do not need supervisory approval to participate.

Assistance is also being sought to help promote the WILD Outdoor Expo through September 11. Expo postcards are available for distribution at DEP public events, programs and meetings, as well as for distribution at community and school events, public libraries, public offices, etc. If you can help promote the Expo by distributing Expo postcards, contact Tanya Oznowich at or (609) 984-9802 to receive a supply of postcards.

For additional details about the Expo, please visit