New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects Charity Sporting Clays Event

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects Charity Sporting Clays Event

Hudson Farm
Picturesque Hudson Farm in Andover NJ
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

TRENTON, NJ –-( Final Reminder: Please join us for a “once in a lifetime” shooting experience!

Monday, July 18, 2011
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects
Charity Sporting Clays Event

Individual Shooter @ $350 each

Sporting Clays Fees includes cartridge carrier, shells, breakfast, and lunch.

Squad of 4 Shooters @ $1,100 (includes Station Sponsor sign and name in program)

  • 8:00 am Registration/Breakfast
  • 9:15 am Safety Speech & Course Rules
  • 9:30 am Day Program Begins
  • 1:00 pm Lunch

Register online:

About Hudson Farm:

HUDSON FARM, located on 3,000 acres of beautifully landscaped farmland in Andover, New Jersey, has a long standing reputation of being one of the finest sport-shooting clubs in the entire United States. Industry leaders, dignitaries and even past US presidents have visited this pristine facility to experience its grandeur. Hudson Farm simulates a day of shooting at one of the great estates in England. It’s a once in a lifetime experience that necessitates a good deal of preparation.

Fortunately, that preparation can be a one-stop by visiting our Hudson Farm NJOA Charity Sporting Clays event. Some of the amenities include a well-equipped Pro-Shop, the stately mansion/club-house dating back to the 1800’s, complete dining facilities, motel and guest room accommodations, challenging course ranges, planted game food plots, hunting blinds, hiking trails, even a state of the art manufacturing facility. The Farm raises over 20,000 sport-birds per year on-site and employs a full staff of pro-instructors, chefs, gunsmiths and care-takers. (

Why you should attend:

  1. This is a “once in a lifetime experience” you will not soon forget
  2. Hudson Farm is one of NJOA’s primary supporting sponsors
  3. This event raises funds for the NJ Quail Project and Reef Rescue

Learn more about Hudson Farm:

“Preservation through conservation”

Anthony P. Mauro
Sr. Chairman,
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: “We’ve got your back!”


NJOA – The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earths resources. Visit: