New Jersey Carry Case & Pumpkin-Head Menendez This Week on Gun For Hire Radio #403

Anthony Colandro and Build a BeAR
New Jersey Carry Case & Pumpkin-Head Menendez This Week on Gun For Hire Radio #403

New Jersey – -( This week on Gun For Hire radio, FINALLY some good news! The Supreme Court has scheduled the “New Jersey Carry” case a.k.a. The Roberts Case, for February 22, 2019.

Now this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to take it, but it does mean that they are going to consider it. To boot, they have demanded that New Jersey File a brief because they never responded, probably in the hopes that the Justices wouldn’t agree to hear the case. All this in the wake of the new legislation introduced by Senator pumpkin-head Menendez restricting magazines FEDERALLY! The “Keep America Safe Act,” is what they’re calling it. We know better, and like Anthony says, “Unity and activism is key.”

Make sure you follow @Gun4Hyr on Twitter and Instagram. Look for Ant’s sometimes hilarious, sometimes tactical, sometimes irate rants, techniques and equipment videos every day!! Don’t forget to submit requests for Ant’s Rants on our social media pages or email or find us on Linked In and Facebook, too or at All this and more on our YouTube channel for your viewing enjoyment! LIKE > SHARE > SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to click on the “bell” so you get notified when a new video is posted!!

March for Murphy is on March 26, 2019, in Trenton, New Jersey. Go to for more info and how to participate in the march against our very own state carpetbagger and the recall efforts to date. You can also get swag for the event at to show off your support for the recall. Do your part! If you don’t like Murphy JUST SHOW UP! Show Trenton that we have a viable constituency that rebukes the current Gubernatorial administration. Anthony will print your flyers, share your social media and do whatever it takes for you to participate in this march. Everybody wants to talk about the snacks, the toilets, the busses… well, no! Get in your car and bring your own snacks to this grassroots effort, protesting against the election of this carpetbagging, rich repulsive socialist. Don’t be an #SMP

Remember, Anthony is running on petition for NRA Board of Directors. Digital subscribers to the NRA magazines will be getting their envelopes this week, but if you didn’t get a ballot call them! Thank you so much to all of you that sent in petitions and voted for Anthony Colandro for the NRA Board of Directors, so far! By the by, all of our listeners should be lifetime members of the NRA. Get involved and if you haven’t joined already, do it today! It’s only $35 per year. Lifetime members in good standing, can vote for the NRA Board Members. The NRA didn’t nominate him, but Anthony can still run on petition, and that’s where we are focused. The NRA Board is country-wide, so you can vote for Anthony no matter where you live. While you’re at it make sure to join the ANJRPC and CNJFO, too. These are groups that are focused on preserving the Second Amendment, and you owe it to yourself to support them! You can donate to the ANJRPC cases by going to:

Now for your angry enjoyment… every year the American Legion has a coloring contest for 4th and 5th graders. This year Glen Rock, New Jersey school Superintendent pulled the city’s 4th and 5th graders out the contest for depicting soldiers at different times in American History with the armaments available to them at the time. Is that not a huge smack in the face to all the military personnel that made the ultimate sacrifice for us?

Well, after Ant’s rant on the matter and we are sure a great deal of soul-searching, the Superintendent rescinded the opinion that the Glen Rock kiddies couldn’t participate.

This is a small victory but solid proof that our voices DO matter! Call your legislators, write letters, write emails, and GET INVOLVED in the fight for your rights, or someone may just take them away…

The hosts of the weekly Gun For Hire Radio broadcast are Sandi Berardi and Master Firearms Trainer, Anthony Colandro and they come to you from deep within the bowels of the Second Amendment waste land, that is New Jersey with THE most listened to Second Amendment broadcast in the Nation!!

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Gun For Hire Radio-the Voice of 1-Million New Jersey Gun Owners, is the Number-One rated talk show in the Nation. News, commentary, entertainment, and education you won’t hear anywhere else. Listen, learn and laugh your ass off. Visit: