New Dating Site Aims to Pair Concealed Carry Singles launches in August with Immediate Customer Response

Concealed Carry Match
Concealed Carry Match
Concealed Carry Match
Concealed Carry Match

Traverse City, MI -( In the wide world of dating sites, one newcomer stands out as an instant hit with gun owners and firearm enthusiasts. launched on August 14, 2016 with instant media coverage and opening-day traffic of 10,000 interested visitors. Created for the often private members of the concealed carry community, the site offers safety features, profile monitoring and a variety of personal privacy options.

“We created this site as a safe place for gun owners or anyone interested in the lifestyle to be able to connect,” says Molly Lund, Chief Operating Officer. “Unlike other dating sites, initially you don’t know whether or not your potential partner is accepting of gun ownership. Concealed Carry Match allows members to instantly bypass that mystery. It makes for a relaxed start to any potential relationship.”

The site is currently offering a free 14 day trial when members sign up for a 1 week trial, or free registration with limited access.

The uptick of female concealed carry permit holders in the U.S. was also a driver in creating the website. Concealed carry permits amongst women in the US have risen by 270% since 2007 (Lott, Whitley, Riley, 2015).

Lund notes that, “Women are proud to be gun owners; they are strong women, confident that they can defend themselves. The women on our site know what they are looking for in a partner and are not hesitant to display their confidence from the get-go. As a woman and a part of this company, that’s something I’m proud to be a part of.”

In an election year shrouded in political drama and debates over gun control, Lund insists that the site is not politically driven.

“We are serving a community of people who are often misrepresented or stereotyped. These days, say the word ‘gun,’ and you get polar opposite reactions. This is drama that we are trying to avoid.”

The site does ask members to share their political viewpoints, along with a range of other serious-to-funny questions, but members can answer personality-based questions at their discretion. Members can also upload additional photos, send virtual gifts to other users, and choose between messaging or live chat options.

Jim Minthorn, Founder and Owner of the company, came up with the idea for site partially from his own experiences as a permit holder and gun enthusiast looking to network with others.

“There is a huge concealed carry population in this country, but the information & communication resources we currently have need to catch up to the demand. We are doing just a small part to fulfill that need.”

About Concealed Carry Match: is based in Traverse City, and currently offers memberships to residents of the United States. A range of memberships are available from $10 to $150, with promotions offered regularly through their website and social media pages. Facebook:, Twitter: @OfficialCCMatch.

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