Nevada Drops Concealed Carry (CPL) Reciprocity for Michigan

Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Nevada Drops Concealed Carry (CPL) Reciprocity for Michigan
Michigan Open Carry
Michigan Open Carry

Michigan – -( According to Nevada’s DPS Website, Nevada no longer recognizes Michigan’s CPL for reciprocity.

Obviously, we are very upset at this news. 

I have personally confirmed with Mariah Owens of Nevada’s Department of Public Safety that Michigan has been dropped.

I will be contacting Michigan’s Attorney General Office tomorrow to discuss this change and see what they can/will do to reverse the situation.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has been very proud of Michigan’s record of reciprocity.  While there is no guarantees, I’d hope he will work to correct the situation with Nevada.

In the interim, it would be advisable for those who do not posess a permit from another state that is on Nevada’s list to not carry concealed in Nevada.

We will keep you updated with what we find out from Michigan’s AG.


Nevada has just officially confirmed to MCRGO that Michigan is off the list and they won’t recognize our CPLs. The issue is that Michigan’s system won’t communicate with NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) that Nevada and other states use to verify our licenses. Effective June 18th, Nevada will no longer recognize Michigan CPLs. Read: Nevada Out-of-State Carry Concealed Weapon Permit Recognition. We are looking into the reason why. Michigan will continue to recognize Nevada CWPs.

About Michigan Open Carry
Michigan Open Carry, Inc is a Not-For-Profit organization that depends on our dues paying members to continue our operation.  We are an all-volunteer organization.  As such, no one is paid a salary and very few of the personal expenses of our officers are reimbursed.  Won’t you consider joining us or renewing as a dues paying member today?  If you need technical help with the process, please email