Moms Demand Action with Mayors Against Illegal Guns made ad timed to Sandy Hook shooting (VIDEO)

Dec. 14 marks the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead. The gun control group Moms Demand Action commemorated the upcoming anniversary by releasing a video timed to the Newtown shooting.

According to the Huffington Post, the commercial, which was co-produced with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, is meant to remind viewers to speak out against gun violence. A press release explains exactly what the campaign aims to accomplish.

gun violence ad screen shot

The advertisement is mean to remind viewers to speak out against gun violence.

“Moms Demand Action will mark the one-year anniversary of the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, with No More Silence, a campaign to honor the lives lost at Sandy Hook Elementary, and to show our resolve never to be silent again about the epidemic of gun violence,” the press release says.

“Join us,” it continues. “Participate in our week of action, create a paper bell craft, and mark the day of the anniversary with dozens of “No More Silence” events a all across the country. At each of these events, we will ring bells to remember victims of gun violence, and to demonstrate our commitment to be vocal and persistent in working toward common-sense gun reform.”

[ Huffington Post ]

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