Moms Demand Action Holds Kroger Protest: Only 8 People Show Up LOL

By AWR Hawkins

Massive Moms Demand Action Anti Gun Protest
Moms Demand Action Holds Kroger Protest: Only 8 People Show Up LOL
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Washington DC – -(  On January 28 2015, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America held a protest outside a Lansing, Michigan, Kroger.

Eight people showed up…

According to The Lansing States Journal, “The eight (most likely paid staffers) women… asked shoppers to shop elsewhere until Kroger prohibits customers openly carrying guns [for self-defense].” In other words, the protests was directed toward forcing Kroger to curtail the exercise of 2nd Amendment rights in their stores.

Moms Demand Action launched their campaign against Kroger on August 18 2014 and we reported that Kroger responded by saying their gun policy reflects state and local laws and that they trusted their customers “to be responsible” in their stores.

So Moms Demand Action continued pushing, even showing up at a shareholders meeting to try to force shareholders into going their way, but to no avail.

By the time the fiscal quarter was up, Moms Demand Action’s demands had been soundly rejected and Kroger’s profits had risen 21 percent.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins.