Michigan 2017 Second Amendment March Is Less Than Two Weeks Away

This event is 2A FlashMob Approved by AmmoLand News, anyone attending will automatically qualify for their own FREE 2A Mob Patch.

Michigan 2017 Second Amendment March
Michigan 2017 Second Amendment March
Michigan Open Carry
Michigan Open Carry

Michigan – -(Ammoland.com)-The Second Amendment March (SAM) is coordinating a pro-gun march and rally at the Michigan State Capitol on Wednesday, April 26th from 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.

This event is open to the public.

The purpose of the event is to show support for the 2nd Amendment and allow citizens to meet with their legislators to discuss gun rights issues. Along with the SAM will be representatives for Michigan Gun Owners (MGO) and Michigan Open Carry, Inc. (MOC).

The event will start with speakers at 10:00 AM until noon. At noon a march will take place around the Capital Mall. Speakers will resume again at 1:00 PM. From 10:00 to 2:00 people are encouraged to meet with their local legislators and discuss their support of the 2nd Amendment. Throughout the event representatives from each gun groups as well as some State legislators will speak on the Capitol steps.

Tables for each gun group will be in the large tent on site with fundraising merchandise and literature available. Vendors can rent a table at this event. Lawful firearm carry is allowed on and in the Capitol building and we encourage all participants to exercise their 2nd Amendment right in a responsible manner.

Oh, and did I mention there will be a raffle?

Tom Lambert
Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

Michigan Open Carry, Inc is a Not-For-Profit organization that depends on our dues paying members to continue our operation. We are an all-volunteer organization. As such, no one is paid a salary and very few of the personal expenses of our officers are reimbursed. Won’t you consider joining us or renewing as a dues paying member today? please email secretary@miopencarry.org.

2A Mob Approved
2A Mob Approved

About 2A Flashmob: 
In an effort to motivate gun owners and Second Amendment Supporters to show up in person at important events and rallies AmmoLand Shooting Sports News is giving away FREE 2A Flashmob Patches to anyone who attends a protest, rally, open carry event, committee hearing at your state capital or a Moveon.org counter protest. (You may already be eligible)

Spread the word, get out, get active!
