MCRGO Volunteers Needed for Winter Outdoor Shows

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MCRGO Volunteers Needed for Winter Outdoor Shows

USA -( We are now scheduling volunteers to serve at MCRGO’s booth at the winter outdoor shows. As with last year, volunteers will receive a one year MCRGO membership renewal for each shift filled. Volunteers must be current members of MCRGO.

Outdoorama in Novi will take place later than in past years. It will be from Thursday, March 1 – Sunday, March 4. Note that the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi bans carry as private property although it is not a pistol free zone and it has very selectively enforced its policy in the past focusing primarily on openly carried firearms.

The Ultimate Sports Show in Grand Rapids will take place one week earlier than in past years. It will be from Thursday, March 15-Sunday, March 18. DeVos Place is a public authority banned by court order from restricting firearms. It has attempted to ban open carry in the past and lost in court. It is also not a pistol free zone.

Booth volunteers will collect payment by cash or check for new MCRGO memberships and renewals. They will answer any questions the general public has regarding the organization, its mission, its legislative goals, and training opportunities.

This year we will have an LCD screen playing all our recent YouTube videos to offer a more dynamic presentation. Full instructions will be provided to volunteers by e-mail in late February.

We schedule two volunteers for each shift except for setup/breakdown in order to allow volunteers to take breaks and to cover for any last minute cancellations.

While this is a general outdoor recreation event rather than a gun show, the demographic attending is typically supportive of the Second Amendment.

Friday & Saturday evenings and Sunday morning are typically the hardest shifts for us to fill. The volunteer schedule with available shifts is updated in real time here.

The spreadsheet is non-editable. Please e-mail Brady at if you would like to fill an open shift.

Upcoming Events

  • Outdoorama: March 1-4, 2018; Suburban Collection Showplace; Novi, MI
    MCRGO is at Booth # 5822
  • Ultimate Sports Show: March 15-18, 2018; DeVos Place; Grand Rapids, MI
    MCRGO is at Booth # 2067


Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun OwnersAbout MCRGO:

The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Formed from just eight people in 1996, we now have thousands of members and numerous affiliated clubs across the state. We’re growing larger and more effective every day.Our mission statement is: “Promoting safe use and ownership of firearms through education, litigation, and legislation.”

For more information, visit their website.