Law Prohibiting Trails Cams in Arizona Effective January 1st

Trail Camera iStock-622002392
Arizona will restrict hunters’ use of trail cameras starting January 1st, 2022. IMG iStock 622002392

U.S.A. -( Arizona hunters are reminded of the new Arizona Game and Fish Commission rule R12-4-303.A.5, which states that a person shall not use a trail camera for the purposes of taking or locating, or aiding in the take of wildlife, becomes effective Jan. 1, 2022.

The commission unanimously approved the rule at its June 2021 meeting in Payson after an extensive public input process.

A prohibition on the use of “live-action” trail cameras for taking or locating or aiding in the take of wildlife had already been in effect since 2018.

The new prohibition does not apply to other uses of a trail camera such as research, general photography, and security. However, any photograph or data captured by a trail camera after Jan. 1, 2022, and used for the taking or aiding in the take of wildlife will be unlawful, even if that was not the initial intended use of the trail camera.

For more information, click HERE.

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