Kansas: Campus Carry Alert & Call for Action

No Guns on Campus
No Guns on Campus
Kansas State Rifle Association
Kansas State Rifle Association

Kansas-(Ammoland.com)- This Wednesday, February 1st at 9:00 a.m. the Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee will hear testimony on House Bill 2074. HB 2074 seeks to repeal current Kansas law that would allow law-abiding individuals to carry a concealed firearm on college campuses for self-defense if the public university chooses not to provide adequate security.

The KSRA opposes this serious attack on our right to defend ourselves and asking anyone who enters a college campus to surrender that right to unknown security personnel.

Come out this Wednesday and tell your legislators that law-abiding Kansans who attend an institution of higher education deserve the same right to self-defense they are afforded off-campus.

We need your voice. We need your participation. We need you, the citizens of Kansas to stand up and make your voice heard.
PLEASE email us if you are attending: mailto:kwade@ksraweb.org


February 01, 2017 at 9am – 12pm


Kansas Statehouse “Old Supreme Court” Room 346-S – this is on the 3rd floor Next to the Post Office.
300 SW 10th St
Room 346-S
Topeka, KS 66612
United States

NOTE: Parking: One block East of the capitol on the Northwest corner of 9th and Kansas is a parking garage. You enter from 9th Street. It is a short walk to the capitol.

You must enter through the North doors and the Visitor Center on 8th Avenue. Go to the 3rd floor and head all the way to the South end and you run right into the room.

Please try to arrive early so we can fill the room with our supporters.

If you can’t make it, please contact the committee members listed below and politely but emphatically tell them you oppose HB 2074 and its companion Senate Bill 53 and you request their vote against these bills which would take away our right to safety and self defense.

john.barker@house.ks.gov; ron.highland@house.ks.gov; louis.ruiz@house.ks.gov; ToryMarie.Arnberger@house.ks.gov; francis.awerkamp@house.ks.gov; blake.carpenter@house.ks.gov; stephanie.clayton@house.ks.gov; Ronald.Ellis@house.ks.gov; broderick.henderson@house.ks.gov; dennis.boog.highberger@house.ks.gov; michael.houser@house.ks.gov; Susan.Humphries@house.ks.gov; Trevor.Jacobs@house.ks.gov; Jim.Karleskint@house.ks.gov; nancy.lusk@house.ks.gov; Vic.Miller@house.ks.gov; melissa.rooker@house.ks.gov; tom.sawyer@house.ks.gov; Eric.Smith@house.ks.gov; chuck.weber@house.ks.gov; john.whitmer@house.ks.gov; kristey.williams@house.ks.gov; john.wilson@house.ks.gov

PLEASE stay alert as the legislative session continues and your voice and support are required to hold our rights.