July 1st Rally Set to Celebrate Permitless Carry in Idaho!

Idaho Capitol Rally to Celebrate Permitless Carry!
Idaho Capitol Rally to Celebrate Permitless Carry!
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

Canyon County, ID -(AmmoLand.com)- The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is holding a rally on July 1st, 2016 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. to celebrate the first day of Permitless Carry in Idaho.

July 1st is the first day the new law will take effect. At that time law abiding Idaho citizens who are 21 years and older can lawfully carry their firearm concealed without a permit except in certain places as specified by law.

We will be meeting at the Idaho Capitol Building in the grass across the street from the Capitol.

ISAA Executive Director, Greg Pruett, will be the keynote speaker. We are also anticipating hearing from our attorney, Alexandria Kincaid, who will discuss the new law as well as the ISAA future goal of passing an upgraded Castle Doctrine. We are hoping for one more additional guest speaker who we are currently speaking to.

Please invite your family and friends to be there and celebrate this much needed victory in the State of Idaho!

Here is the Facebook event link so you can invite your friends to go as well: https://www.facebook.com/events/1288000354545430/.

July 1st is a Friday and a great day to kick off your July 4th celebration weekend.


Greg Pruett
Executive Director, ISAA

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance exists to fight for the 2nd Amendment rights of all Idaho citizens. Even in a gun friendly State like Idaho, the 2nd Amendment is under constant threat.

For more information, visit: www.idahosaa.org.