Judge’s Ruling Solidifies Kemp’s Election Day Victory as Georgia Governor

Brian Kemp
Brian Kemp | Georgia’s New Republican Governor

Athens, GA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Yesterday, United States District Judge Steve Jones issued a ruling that allows absentee ballots with incorrect or omitted birth dates to be counted and denies Stacey Abrams’ request to delay certification and count out-of-county provisional ballots.

In response to the judge’s ruling, which solidifies businessman Brian Kemp’s victory at the ballot box on November 6, 2018, Kemp for Governor issued the following statement:

“Tonight, Judge Jones rejected efforts by Stacey Abrams and her radical allies to undermine the democratic process and rule of law in Georgia,” said Ryan Mahoney, Communications Director. “He denied her requests to create new voters and slammed the door on attempts to count illegal votes. The judge’s ruling puts the people of Georgia and their voice ahead of Abrams and her political ambition.

“This ruling solidifies Brian Kemp’s insurmountable lead. The election is over and Brian Kemp is the Governor-elect. It’s time for Abrams to concede and join our efforts to keep Georgia moving in the right direction.”

Kemp’s win in Georgia places the state Governorship in the hands of a solid supporter of our right to keep and bear arms.