Jon Voight: ‘He’s fooling around’ (VIDEO)

“All these things are being blown way out of proportion,” actor Jon Voight told a TMZ reporter with a camera phone about Donald Trump calling for “the assassination” of Hillary Clinton.

“He’s fooling around just like you sometimes fool around, if you have a sense of humor,” said the star of the 1997 film Anaconda.

On Monday, Trump discussed the difference between him and Clinton with a crowd in Wilmington, North Carolina, and made a quip about her views on gun rights.

“Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish — the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges: Nothing you could do, folks — although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know,” he said.

Political opponents called the comment a threat of violence — an armed uprising — if a President Clinton appointed Justices to the Supreme Court whereas Trump, doing damage control, said he meant gun owners would vote against her.

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