John Stossel Video – NYC Government Traumatizes Gun Owners

John Stossel
John Stossel

New York – -( Why are law-abiding, licensed gun owners who follow laws and procedures being jailed in New York?

Reason TV’s John Stossel finds that every week gun owners, legally licensed by other states, are being arrested in New York airports despite correctly following the procedures of the TSA and airlines.

One such traveler, Avi Wolf, was charged for having an empty, plastic magazine in his bag. He didn’t have the gun or bullets — just the magazine, which he had forewarned the TSA about.

“I’m telling them … I have a magazine here. It’s empty, no bullets,” Wolf said. “Next thing I know they’re pulling me over to the side, they’re like, ‘Do you know what you have in your bag?!’ I know what I have in my bag, I told you what I have in my bag.”

Wolf spent a day in jail and $15,000 in legal fees, which resulted in plea bargaining a felony charge down to “public disorder.”

You can find the full video here: