John Hopkins University + Bloomberg Bucks = Bogus Gun-Violence Research ~ Video

USA – -( I’m Charlie Cook and welcome to another AmmoLand News Second Amendment Update.

We are always told to trust medical science. But what should we do when one of the top medical research universities in the country partners with an agenda-driven anti-gun group?

That is the question we are asking this week at AmmoLand News when the NSSF notified us that Johns Hopkins University was partnering with the Center for Gun Violence Prevention.

Yes, the birthplace of CPR is teaming up with gun grabbers to form the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence!?

This partnership should not be a surprise. John Hopkins University is already the home of Michael Bloomberg’s School of Public Health. The same Mayor Bloomberg that founded Everytown for Gun Safety and funded Moms Demand Action.

A Daniel Webster, who will be the new co-leader of the newly formed Center for Gun Violence Solutions at John Hopkins. Makes claims that the center will use an “evidence-based approach to advocacy”. But then he says research topics will include political violence, and so-called “ghost guns.”

“Ghost Guns” is a made-up term used to demonize homebuilt firearms, not a good start for an “evidence-based approach”!?

Right now, we have the most anti-gun ATF in the country’s history, and they don’t even use the term “ghost guns” because it is just made to scare the public. And this guy is going to lead an evidence-based approach to advocate policy change in regards to firearms?

How about researching the massive amount of self-defense uses of firearms each year? Will John Hopkins University’s Center for Gun Violence Solutions research those instances? Or will they ignore those because they do not fit the narrative that their patron-gun-banner, Michael Bloomberg?

Using the cover of public health is just another underhanded method that the gun grabbers have been reduced to because we gun owners are winning the advocacy battle. With half the country now embracing Constitutional Carry, they are scared and desperate.

Tell us what you think in the comments below and share this video with your family & friends to help support AmmoLand News, America’s oldest Second Amendment news outlet.

Riding Shotgun With Charlie

Riding Shotgun With Charlie isn’t about firearms. It is about having an intimate conversation with 2 people talking. You’re the fly on the rearview mirror. Many passengers are involved in the firearm community, but not all of them.

This is a more intimate conversation than a phone, radio, or Skype interview. You get to see the passengers. And you’ll see where the road and the conversation take you!, Facebook

Riding Shotgun With Charlie