Joe Miller Offers Chance to Replace Murkowski with ‘True Reform’ Liberty Advocate

By David Codrea

Right on guns and right on the immigration threat to RKBA: Joe Miller should be the choice for Alaskan Liberty advocates over establishment pick Lisa Murkowski.

USA – -( “Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is proud to endorse Joe Miller to represent the state of Alaska in the U.S. Senate,” an email from GOA announced Friday. “Joe Miller’s commitment to the right to keep and bear arms is unwavering … Unlike other candidates in this race, Joe Miller returned his GOA Candidate Questionnaire 100% in favor of your gun rights.”

The main “other candidate” to be concerned about is Republican Lisa Murkowski, recipient of a mediocre “C” rating from GOA based on performance in office. That assessment comes from a scorecard for votes and concludes Murkowski only agreed with GOA’s positions 69% of the time.

Among the reasons for Murkowski’s low score:  She did not vote on a concealed carry reciprocity bill they supported. She voted for a bill that would “create an incremental path to citizenship for most illegal immigrants in the country.” She voted for an amendment that “would send a person to prison for 15 years for selling a gun to a veteran, without realizing that he was one of the 165,000 military veterans who was put into the NICS system for PTSD.” And she voted for cloture on the nomination of a rabidly anti-gun New York judge to the DC Court of Appeals.

Importantly, and of vital interest to all advocates of the right to keep and bear arms, Murkowski is rated “D” by immigration group Numbers USA, further compounded by failing marks on the all-important categories of “Oppose Amnesty … Limit Unnecessary Worker Visas [and] Reduce Total Immigration.”  That’s of vital interest to defending the Second Amendment as evidenced by the Democrat Party’s, the Obama administration’s and the Hillary Clinton campaign’s push for a “pathway to citizenship.”

They know from all credible polls as well as real-world voting patterns — undeniably established in places like California — that adding millions of foreigners to the electorate will result in a Democrat supermajority that will then be able to enact all the “gun laws” Bloomberg and Feinstein want, and more. It will also ensure they can confirm federal judges to the lower courts and the Supreme Court to uphold those laws.

Joe Miller understands this, evidenced by Numbers USA giving him a perfect score and hailing him as a “true reform candidate” when he beat Murkowski in the Republican primary in 2010 (she went on to win through a write-in campaign).

This time around, Miller is running as a Libertarian Party candidate.  While some may question how that comports with the national LP’s essentially open borders platform (one that will ensure a “progressive” political takeover via “birthright citizenship”), the Alaska LP requires no such culturally-suicidal commitment.

No less a prominent libertarian figure than Murray Rothbard reconsidered his earlier assumptions and became opposed to the idea of “free immigration” in his later years. Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. has provided compelling documentation to demonstrate “Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property,” and that “politically enforced multiculturalism has an exceptionally poor track record. The twentieth century affords failure after predictable failure.”

So Joe Miller’s position is, in fact, the correct libertarian one to have. And as such, it’s no surprise that he is not voting for LP presidential candidate Gary Johnson and his RKBA-challenged running mate, William Weld.

One important question remains unanswered at this writing: Will NRA once more go the “safe” establishment route and endorse incumbent Murkowski as it did in 2010? Will Fairfax continue showing indefensible deliberate indifference to the immigration threat to gun owner rights? If they do, will Wayne LaPierre or Chris Cox explain how the new voter surge facilitated by Murkowski policies will not create unbeatable Democrat majorities (with credible poll numbers to back that up)?

Learn more about Joe Miller’s positions at his Restoring Liberty website. You can donate to Joe Miller’s campaign at  You can also keep up with campaign developments Facebook and Twitter.

380748_10151166739362374_340492446_nAnd this just in: Joe Miller will be a guest this Sunday at 10:30 p.m. Eastern time (adjust for your time zone) on the nationally-syndicated Armed American Radio program with host Mark Walters. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live-streaming.


Also see: 11th hour Politifact flak shows Joe Miller over target on immigration and guns

David Codrea in his natural habitat.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.