JCVD: ‘Right now we need Donald Trump’ (VIDEO)

Celebrity reporters recently caught up with Jean Claude Van Damme, who offered some opinions on politics in America.

Initially, he was asked about the weekend’s cyber attack, but Van Damme, after being promised he could speak for about two minutes uninterrupted, broadened the horizon.

Van Damme started off by ensuring everyone that he loves America, noting that he came here with nothing and is now a star thanks to “these people,” he said while pointing to the camera, indicating those watching the video.

But love it or not, Van Damme also said the country has a serious problem and needs to be run like a business to get back on track. Additionally, he said we are all talking about the wrong things when it comes to politics and should stop focusing on things like locker room talk and use of the p-word, which he says is very common among men.

Van Damme, who said he loves everyone and just wants peace, summed up his thoughts on American politics by saying, “Right now, we need Donald Trump.”

[ TMZ ]

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