Italian military police forces to test Beretta i-Protect guns in field (VIDEO)

Beretta’s new i-Protect system, capable of tracking the gun’s movement and operation, is to be tested by the Italian Carabinieri corps.

The system, designed by Fabbrica d’Armi Beretta as part of a research project with the University of Brescia, is billed as “a step ahead in public security.”

The system includes the modified Beretta PX4 Storm-i 9mm pistol, a special double retention safety holster with magnetic actuators and a smartphone with a software app called “ODINO 5”that integrates the firearm into the network.

Through sensors on the gun, relayed to the smartphone via Bluetooth and then from there back to the network, its possible for the gun’s use to be monitored from afar and track who has the gun, when, and where.

Unlike most “smart guns” that have been proposed, the i-Protect system does not interfere with the mechanics, function or safety of the gun.

The software looks like it has lots of applications beyond the firearm to include tracking suspects, streaming video and performing checks in the field.

It is to be tested throughout July and August by officers from the Milan Provincial Command.

The Carabinieri, a 109,000 member gendarme force, is the Italian national military police but has jurisdictions over both civilian and military environments and is a separate branch of the armed forces.

[ Beretta ]

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