ISRA Special Alert: You Have Every Right To Be Angry

Rep. Marty Moylan
Rep. Marty Moylan

Illinois State Rifle AssociationUSA -( If you’re a lawful gun owner and you’re not welled up with anger, you really should be. Why? Because Mike Bloomberg, Marty Moylan, and the Moms have identified you as the “other shooter” on the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay.

As you read this, the gun control movement is crafting a package of severe punishments specially for you just because you dare to own firearms.

The most dangerous of these insults to your liberty is HB4107, introduced by Rep. Marty Moylan (D-DesPlaines).

If passed, Moylan’s bill would inflict the following punishments on you:

  • Force you to register as a potential offender.
  • Force you to pay a yearly tax on lawfully-acquired firearms.
  • Force you to surrender to the police all the firearms that Marty Moylan doesn’t want you to have.
  • Force you to surrender standard capacity magazines to the police.
  • Prohibit you from making repairs to your lawfully-owned firearms.

The good people of Illinois should not be subjected to such mistreatment at the hands of a political opportunist like Moylan.

Any reader who does not believe that Moylan poses a serious threat had better think again. The Las Vegas mass murder was a godsend to the Gun Control Movement. For years, the gun grabbers have been waiting for an excuse to justify larceny of your gun collection. Marty Moylan is looking forward to grinding his boot heel into your forehead. Are you going to stand by and let him?

To stop HB4107, we need to see the biggest mobilization of gun owners since the push for Concealed Carry. If you really value your guns, you’ll do the following:

Call your State Representative and State Senator and politely remind them that you are a law-abiding firearm owner who resents being vilified and that you want them to vote against HB4107 should the bill come to the House floor. If you do not know who your State Representative is, please go to the following site for more information:

Pass this alert on to your gun owning friends and relatives and tell them to make calls as well.

Be sure to post this alert to any and all internet bulletin boards and social media sites to which you belong.


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