Illinois: Oppose Gun & Hunting Club Tax

Gun Range Hanging Targets
Gun Range Hanging Targets

Illinois-( In our first Call to Action of the newly seated 100th General Assembly, we bring to your attention SB009 Revenue Various.

SB009 started as a simple question of creating new taxes, a question too easily answered “yes” in this state. It is now more than that. Much more.

Senate Amendment 2 seeks to impose 5% membership and service taxes:

  • In addition to the amusement tax on ranges already imposed by several municipalities
  • In addition to the Cook County tax on firearms and ammunition
  • In addition to the proposed fees covering the cost of serializing ammunition under HB271
  • In addition to the already costly training and license fees required to carry a concealed firearm in Illinois
  • In addition to the cost of hunting licenses
  • In addition to current local, state and federal sales taxes on products associated with membership and use of hunting and gun clubs, training, and competition.

These new taxes were not, of course, presented in a forthright way that would foster open debate. Instead, they were hidden in amendments to SB009 among a plethora of other taxes, filed quickly and quietly on a bill positioned to move through the Senate at a moment’s notice.

We must recognize that the more the state taxes our ability to train, compete, and hunt the more it discourages the very practices that foster safe firearm ownership. The more it encourages people to purchase products and services elsewhere.

The truth will be SB009’s greatest obstacle. Spread some truth, and spread our rights.

Beginning Monday, 1/30/2017, please contact your State Senators in their district offices. Politely explain that SB009 is no longer as it seems. Let them know that while we can debate the wisdom of burdening Illinois with additional taxes one thing is not debatable. The State does not have proper authority to tax our Second Amendment rights. Contact information for your State Senator can be found here.

Be on the lookout for additional Calls to Action on this bill, and others. After the November elections, anti-gun groups are starved for any appearance of victory. We must make sure Illinois does not become a notch in their belt.

Join us on the IllinoisCarry forums for additional discussion and updates.