If NY State Constitutional Convention Is Approved, Don’t Believe the Fear Mongering

Be prepared the other side will say the sky is falling if a NYS Constitutional Convention is approved don’t believe them.

Sperate New York State
Sperate New York State
Divide NYS
Divide NYS

New York State – -(Ammoland.com)- One of the online posts (whose author is unknown) opposing the Constitutional Convention calls Divide NYS delusional and a scam. Our chances of success must be improving if the other side has to resort to name calling.

In the 1960s the Legislature called a convention off cycle so their members could easily run for delegate when the convention is called by a YES vote of the voters the delegates are elected at the same time as the legislators and the governor are up for reelection which blocks them from running for delegate.

Note: There has been some confusion about the difference between NY State and Federal Constitutional Convention. A Federal Constitution Convention (sometimes called an Article V Con-Con) is called if 2/3 of the States pass resolutions requesting one. The members of a Federal Con-Con are appointed by the State legislators the people have no say in choosing them. Amendments must be approved by 3/4 of the States and because the US Constitution protects our rights; all our rights are at risk !!!

What we want is a NY State Constitutional Convention.

Whether it will be held will be decided by NYS voters this Nov 2017; since it automatically appears on the ballot every 20 years. If approved by the voters. In Nov 2018, 3 delegates are elected by NYS residents from each of the 63 NY State Senate districts and 15 delegates at large. Any proposed Amendments must be approved by the voters. No rights are at risk because the NYS Constitution does not protect much and Federal Constitution overrides the NYS one.

Divide NYS Vote Yes
Divide NYS Vote Yes

Our Secession plan calls for establishing a more representative form of government than the strange form of democracy NYS currently has which allows downstate to rule upstate which destroys good paying jobs upstate , while upstate can occasionally block things downstate wishes to enact. We would partition NYS into Autonomous Regions the New Amsterdam Region (upstate) and the New York Region (downstate) alongside a token state government to comply with the US Constitution. The token NYS government that remains would have about the same power as the Queen of England! Because we are forming regions not a new state or moving counties between states; Congress can be legally bypassed. Since the NYS Legislature has failed to act, this plan also has the option to bypass the NYS Legislature; because every twenty years the people of NYS get to vote on whether to hold a NY State Constitutional Convention. We need to vote YES on the Constitutional Convention, in Nov 2017 (may be on the back of ballot, or a separate sheet). Our autonomous regions method is more likely to succeed!

Please go to our “About” page button below for more details:

About Divide NYS Caucus;

The State of New York contains a tremendously diverse population and is unique in its dichotomy. The overwhelming majority of the state consists of small to medium sized communities set in a rural and suburban climate; generally conservative values blend with moderate liberal ideals to create a unique political platform. Meanwhile, the downstate counties that make up New York City are significantly more liberal leaning in their values and are world famous for the size and power of the most significant city in the world.

It is equally unfair to both upstate and downstate residents to share a representative government; the vast differences in lifestyle and aspirations demonstrate that both downstate and upstate should have their own autonomous governments so as to more effectively serve their constituents. www.newamsterdamny.org