Hundreds show up to funeral for vet who died homeless and alone

homeless veteran's funeral homeless veteran's funeral

A Vietnam veteran who died all alone in an abandoned house was laid to rest Thursday and the service was attended by some 200 strangers who felt he deserved a proper burial.

Eton Gilmore earned a Purple Heart during the Vietnam War, but died all alone, his body staying unclaimed at the morgue for some time before Maryannah Mosley stepped in to ensure he received the burial he deserved.

Related: Homeless vet to get proper burial thanks to efforts of fellow vet (VIDEO

Mosley, a fellow veteran who often works with the area’s homeless population, didn’t realize how alone Gilmore was until after his death. She had his body moved to a funeral home, but she lacked the finances to pay for a proper burial. So Mosley made a call to the V.A., where she was assured Gilmore would get the burial he deserved.

And thanks to the efforts of Mosley – and some local reporters who helped to get the story out – although Gilmore may have died alone, he was surrounded by more than 200 people when he was laid to rest.

[ Fox News ]

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