Hundreds of Youth Shooting Teams Benefit from MidwayUSA Foundation Partnerships

South Carolina Youth Shooting Foundation Donates to the MidwayUSA Foundation
Youth Shooting
MidwayUSA Foundation
MidwayUSA Foundation

Columbia, MO -( The MidwayUSA Foundation, a public charity established to provide sustainment funding for youth shooting teams, has received over one million dollars in donations from youth shooting partners across the country in the last few weeks.

The donations will benefit over 200 youth shooting teams that have a Team Endowment Account with the MidwayUSA Foundation. The state partners that recently contributed include Alaska Scholastic Clay Target Program, Tennessee Youth Education in Shooting Sports, Wisconsin Scholastic Clay Target Program Foundation, Inc., Indiana Youth Shooting Sports Foundation, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, and the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation. Conservation partner, Pheasants Forever, Inc., also donated to various youth shooting teams. Many other state partners donate to support the MidwayUSA Foundation’s mission throughout the year.

Executive Director, Randy Moeller talked about the importance of state partnerships. “Involvement from the state partners is critical for the success of the youth shooting teams in their area and region. Having strong partners that value the importance of endowed funding of individual high school and collegiate teams is critical to the future growth of youth shooting sports programs. The endowed accounts for a team will provide funding for the operational expenses of that team for years to come. Thanks to all the partners that help provide funding for youth shooting sports. Together we are changing the future of youth shooting sports.”

Working with state partners like these is just one way shooting teams can grow their Team Endowment Account. Teams can also solicit private donations and conduct fundraisers. Funds returned from these promotions are matched, dollar for dollar. Currently, over 3,000 shooting teams have an active Team Endowment Account with the MidwayUSA Foundation. Active teams wishing to apply for a grant must do so by December 15th and can download the grant application at

For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation and its Team Endowment Account Program, please visit or call 1-877-375-4570.

About The MidwayUSA Foundation:

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a public charity working to sustain the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams. Shooting teams with a Team Endowment Account can draw 5% of their account balance each year to use for team expenses. The funds can be used for ammunition, uniforms, entry fees, travel costs and more.

For more information about the MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. and its Team Endowment Account Program, please visit or call 1-877-375-4570.