How The Liberal Media Fuels The Mob

CNN Hates Trump
From watching CNN, I learned that our President is a racist who uses fear of brown-skinned people to keep himself in power. That all of his supporters are racists and that Russia helped put him in control for some nefarious reason.

USA – -( I was in a local Italian joint for lunch and had to watch CNN for the course of my meal. Here’s the takeaway. We are living in two separate realities.

From watching CNN, I learned that our President is a racist who uses fear of brown-skinned people to keep himself in power. That all of his supporters are racists and that Russia helped put him in control for some nefarious reason. It gets better; they offer no proof for ANY of this, CNN just drones on & on & on about how Trump is destroying America. They have a recurring message, CNN is good Trump is EVIL, don’t side with EVIL!

The real problem is that there are weak minded people who believe this crap. No mention of the drop in minority unemployment, or how it is small businesses started by African Americans and Hispanics that are driving the recovery. I’d ask why a racist would help minorities the most with a new economy. But common sense seems to be missing from CNN.

Now we see the inevitable result of the never-ending lies. Violence.

Just outside Philadelphia, an Obama supporter executed his pro-Trump neighbor. Shot him right in the head, stood over him and fired two more rounds.
Put a Trump sticker on your car, and you may find it burned to the ground when you return.

It is only a matter of time until these anti-Trump activists go after an armed Citizen. Then all hell is going to break loose. Given the hundreds if not THOUSANDS of attacks on honest Citizens how long until something serious happens. You KNOW gun owners will be blamed. The violence of the left will be ignored by the legacy media because they are the ones who spawn it.

To be honest, I’ve changed how I dress, and where I go. I avoid locations where liberals would tend to congregate. No MAGA hat for me. I follow all the teachings of the NRA to avoid situations where violence might occur. Why? To keep from shooting some leftwing jerk who might assault me or threaten a family member. I don’t want to fire the 1st shot of the next civil war in self defense.

I don’t think the violence is going to subside. I think it will get worse. Hitler had his brownshirts; Democrats have ANTIFA.

Nancy Pelosi promised “collateral damage” against Trump supporters “when” she is speaker again. Hillary said no peace until Democrats are back in power. Numerous left-wing activists have called for the assassination for Trump; has CNN called for calm. Not that I can tell.

So, buy a battlefield rifle, learn to be proficient and keep it stored safely. Being prepared for the worst is just protecting your family. Being prepared is not WISHING for the worst, it is protecting your family. Isn’t that what the 2A is all about when you get right down to it?

Vote Tuesday, and get like-minded people to join you. Help turn the tide.

About Don McDougall

Don McDougall
Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.