How Guns N’ Roses Tour Manager Got into Guns (VIDEO)

Guns N’ Roses tour manager Tom Mayhew found himself training at the Taran Tactical range in Simi Valley after seeing the famous video of Keanu Reeves shredding targets. “I was blown away. I was blown away by his diligence and his work ethic. Just absolutely — it was mind boggling,” he said about Reeves’ shooting skills.

As a fan of the John Wick movies, the video more than piqued his interests. Mayhew explained: “I’m like ‘who on earth trained this guy to do this?’ I studied up a bit and found out it was Taran Butler. I said ‘I gotta meet the guy.’” Then, Mayhew just cold called and Butler invited him over.

I met up with Mayhew at the Taran Tactical range where he picked up his brand new Benelli M2 shotgun customized by TTI. “You could drive a Volkswagon or you could drive a Ferrari,” he said. “What do you want to do?”

Now, hooked on 3-Gun, Mayhew said he has convinced other members of the Guns N’ Roses team to join him at the Taran Tactical range, much like Slash’s manager, Jeff Varner, an avid 3-Gun shooter, inspired him to do. “If you’re going to shoot, why not shoot with the best?” he said. “Get trained by the best.”

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