Hillary Clinton joins Jill Stein in recount effort (VIDEO)

Despite Hillary Clinton already conceding to the election results, her campaign confirmed Saturday they would be joining forces with Green Party candidate Jill Stein in a recount of several states.

Stein has reportedly raised several million dollars to fund the recount, which is presently focused on Wisconsin. However, the Green Party isn’t just seeking a simple recount in the state. Instead, they are after a “reconciliation of paper records.”

Stein said she will use the money raised for recounts in any state where the deadline has not yet passed, and Wisconsin Green Party co-chairman George Martin said he hopes the recount will result in an investigation into the integrity of the voting system.

Marc Elias, Clinton’s campaign counsel, previously admitted that they saw no reason for a recount, citing a lack of evidence of hacking or other activity that would have affected the outcome. But now, Elias noted, the campaign chose to take part in the recount to “ensure that it is fair to all sides.”

President-elect Donald Trump called the recount a waste of time and money, noting that the election is over.

[ CNN ]

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