Hi-Point Firearms Supporting Virginia’s Right to Bear Arms

Hi-Point Firearms Supporting Virginia's Right to Bear Arms
Hi-Point Firearms Supporting Virginia’s Right to Bear Arms

U.S.A.-(Ammoland.com)- The families and management of Hi-Point Firearms and MKS Supply have always been strong supporters of our Constitution’s Bill of Rights and Second Amendment.

We always look for opportunities to support the firearms community and are proud to assist with the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) in their great battle to raise funds for their important firearm freedom fight.

VCDL is running a support the Second Amendment raffle. VCDL will raffle off up to 50 custom Hi-Point 9mm carbines with VCDL badging and custom serial numbers from VA001 to VA050.

The odds of winning are one in forty! You may purchase as many tickets as you wish and the more you purchase the better your odds of winning one or even multiple carbines.

Proceeds of this raffle will go to VCDL to help them in this crucial time as they work to protect their state’s citizen’s rights and establish a precedent for our other states.

How to enter: Raffle runs from March 19 to April 30 or until all tickets are sold. During the raffle winners will be notified and given 72 hours to respond to claim their prize. Raffle tickets may be purchased through the following link https://go.rallyup.com/support2A For more information or to purchase tickets you may text Support2A to 855-202-2100.

For more information about Hi-Point carbines and handguns please go to their website www.Hi-Pointfirearms.com or Hi-Point’s official Facebook.

Eligibility and rules:

This raffle is NOT open to any individual who is prohibited by federal, state or local law from receiving or possessing the grand prize or where the grand prize is otherwise prohibited from being sold by or delivered to a federal firearms licensee in the state in which the individual resides. The raffle is subject to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Raffle is void wherever restricted or prohibited by law. This offer is NOT valid, anywhere where it is NOT permissible by law.

For more information or to enter please go to https://go.rallyup.com/support2A

About MKS Supply, LLC:MKS Supply logo

MKS Supply insists on high quality, reliable firearms. We insist on guns that are easy to own and service. Most of all, we insist on value.

For more information, please visit www.MKSSupply.com.