Henry Repeating Arms Honors Veterans At NRA 2017 Annual Meetings

Henry Repeating Arms NRA Annual Meetings
Veteran heroes honored by Henry Repeating Arms during 2017 National NRA Foundation Banquet in Atlanta, GA. L to R: Anthony Imperato, President of Henry Repeating Arms, with Honorees Don Jenkins, George J Krakosky, Ty Carter and Linda Becker.

Henry Repeating Arms

ATLANTA, Ga. -(Ammoland.com)- Henry Repeating Arms presented four distinguished Veterans with American-made Henry Military Service Tribute Rifles to thank them for their service to our country.

The presentation took place at The Friends of the NRA Foundation Banquet during The NRA’s 2017 Annual Meetings & Exhibits at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.

As a sponsor of the event, Anthony Imperato, President of Henry Repeating Arms, invited the heroes on to the stage to thank them for going above and beyond the call of duty.

The first recipient was Linda Becker who retired from the US Air Force/Air National Guard after 39 years of service that included three overseas tours: Kuwait; Oman; Qatar. Next was Don Jenkins, a former United States Army soldier and Medal of Honor recipient for his actions in the Vietnam War. Then followed by Ty Carter, a former United States Army Staff Sergeant and Medal of Honor recipient for his actions at the 2009 Battle of Kamdesh in Afghanistan.

The final recognition went to 97-year old WWII Veteran George J. Krakosky.

“How many of you remember the movie Saving Private Ryan and those vivid images of American soldiers landing on the beaches of France under tremendous enemy fire? For us it was a movie and for our recipient it was reality,” Imperato told the crowd.

“This man served and fought in a war that saved the world from unspeakable evil. He is one of the last of America’s greatest generation and we owe our freedom to him today,” Imperato said, voice cracking.

NRA Atlanta 2017

The crowd of 1800 people rose to give multiple standing ovations during the presentation.

“Thank You for your service to our country, God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America,” Imperato concluded as the crowd rose to applaud the honorees one last time.

For more information about the company and its products visit their website or call 866-200-2354.


About Henry Repeating Arms:

Henry Repeating Arms is one of the country’s leading rifle manufacturers. Their company motto is ‘Made In America Or Not Made At All’ and their products come with an unlimited lifetime guarantee. Henry rifles played a significant role in the frontier days of the American West and soon became one of the most legendary, respected and sought after rifles in the history of firearms. The company’s manufacturing facilities are in Bayonne, NJ and Rice Lake, WI.