Have a juicy tip for ATF? There’s an app for that! (VIDEO)

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced Wednesday they have partnered with reportit to distribute a free smart phone app to anonymously report illegal guns, bombs, arson or violent crime.

Reportit works on Android, iOS and WebMobile platforms and is already available from the Google Play and Apple Store. The company has been around since 1999 and started as a hotline reporting service for private and public companies to allow for “speak to the manager” style complaints. In recent years they have expanded to the public sector and has partnered with Homeland Security in See Something/Say Something reporting on mass transit and other uses.

While the ATF already has an online anonymous tips site (ATF Tips) the reportit app is a third party that is unable to track use.

“ATF has chosen to use this system so that you can submit tips to us while respecting your need for privacy or anonimity,” reads a statement issued by the agency on September 7.

As for rewards from information that leads to arrest, tipsters have to come in from the cold to a local ATF field office at that stage.

You can bet SJWs everywhere are rushing to download…

Also, no word on if the app works in Mexico. (Just kidding)

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